Camp Thursday

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Haven't done this in a while                                                                                                                                                  All rights and characters go to Rick except the ones I created.

Zoe's POV:

Being on crutches sucks(facts), the only thing I could do are things sitting down. So that just leaves arts and crafts, but I will be healed in time for capture the flag. I'm determined to win this time. If not I might join them just to stop losing, but then I can't be with Peter. Ahhhhhhhh, Peter, he's so cute and nice. Yesterday he checked up on me on his own. Time for breakfast now.

Esperanza's POV:

Rebecca is so fun. She tells the best jokes and is really good in the forge. She fits right in. Me on the other hand, I'm the odd one out. I look like my mom, with my caramel hair and almond eyes. I still love staying in the Hephaestus cabin though. Right now I'm working on a project that makes an iPad for demigods. Yes we have monster-proof phones and computers, but no iPads. It's just that with the monster proof stuff it counteracts with the pixels making the screen blurry. (idk if that's true, i'm making this up).

Chiron then reminds us of capture the flag of Saturday. We all start talking about plans to win this time. The Athena cabin already came up with a plan. Our job is to build traps and trip wires and things like that. Today we build and tomorrow we set it up.

Everyone went to their activities. Cabin 9 started work immediately. Our head counselor, Harley(someone grew up ), gave us all assignments in groups. Each group had to build one trip wire, per person, that will leave a huntress dangling from a tree, 3 groups had to build catapults, for what idk, and another 2 had to built 4 water guns each because they are so easy to make. Each team has four people. My team has to make water guns so we each made one then did our trip wires. We were done before lunch.

"Alright everyone.Good job!"said Harley "Since we are done I'll tell Chiron that after lunch we will set up and maybe tomorrow we'll get a treat."

"Yeah!"we all cheered, just as the conch horn for lunch sounded.

On the way over I bumped into someone. Ugh Bella, legacy of Aphrodite and Demeter, daughter of Drew Tanaka and John Kearns(is he real?).

"Watch where you're going"she growled.

"Oh calm down, it's not like your precious designer clothes got muddy. Who cares"I spat

"You're just mad that I'm pretty and all the guys want me. I mean, come on,*hair flip*, my name literally means beautiful." she said.

"At least I don't need to wear 10 pounds of makeup to make me look pretty."I replied.

"Whatever!"Bella yelled. Then she stormed off, high heels clacking loudly across the pavilion.

We ate lunch then Harley went to go talk to Chiron about what we were doing.

"Alright we can go set up, but there is no treat tomorrow."he said sadly.

"Aww."we all said with disappointment.

"Yeah, only a day trip to a volcano!"he exclaimed.

"YAY!"everyone in Cabin 9 cheered.

We spent the rest of the day setting up traps in the woods. Later that night after campfire I had Rebecca tell Bella someone wanted to meet her at Zeus' Fist in the woods. Little did she know there was a trap waiting. We had the whole camp hide around it and when Bella came she got caught in a trap she is currently dangling from a tree with her minions trying to get her down. Everyone got pictures. In all fairness, she deserves it.

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