Untitled Part 55

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Okay who missed me? What no one! The audacity. Jk, at least i hope it is, anyways here is the next chap

So I was asked to do a tratie ship so here we are. Travis and Katie are married and don't have kids yet.

Katie's POV:

I wake up a few minutes before my alarm. It is 6:54 which means I have 6 minutes to watch my gorgeous husband sleep. I brush a piece of hair out of his face. Travis takes my hand, kisses it, and puts it on his cheek.

"Good morning love." he tells me.

"Good morning. I never thought I would see you get up before an alarm." I tease him.

"Well if I get to spend extra time with you before we get ready I'll do anything." He replies. Travis picks me up and carries over to the couch bridal style. He sits down with me on his lap, putting blankets over us. " "Let's see it's almost 7 am so I doubt there will be any good shows on tv. Try not to be too disappointed, but we might have to cuddle." he says trying to be serious.

It doesn't work. We bust out laughing and end up making out on the couch. We should have set a second alarm.


Will's POV:

I get up that morning happy, like always, and see Nico curled up in a ball at the corner. I scoot across the bed and start cuddling him. I wake him up with a kiss. "Come on," i say, " the little ones will be up soon." By little ones, I mean our children. Bianca is 4 and Michael is 1 and a 1/2. 

"Noooo." Nico groans, "5 more minutes, why can't they ever just sleep in?"

"Their toddlers, they don't have a good sleep schedule." Then I hear them. Two little pairs of feet. Bianca bursts in the door and starts jumping on the bed to wake up Nico.

"Daddy!Wake up. You said we can go to the park today!" Bianca exclaims. 

"I know Bumblebee. What do you want to do at the park today?" he asks. Then she starts rattling off a list of things to do. Michael whines at the foot of the bed and I pull him up.He sits on my lap perfectly content with hugging my chest. We get ready and head off to the park. The kids run off to play while Nico and I sit, talking. Now this how I want to spend my day off.

Hey y'all. I'm still taking requests if you got any even you read this like 5 years in the future. Check out my other story The Forgotten Soul also another pjo fanfic but not cringe and defintally new luv ya -lightningbug-6

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