The break up

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Zoe's POV:

I get off the bus and go over to where Peter is staying. Once I get there, before I ring the bell I hear strange noises out back. Looking over the gate my heart breaks into a million pieces. Peter is outside making out with some girl. How could he? After all we did for each other. I can't believe this. I run home crying and collapse on the couch. My Mom hears me and comes to check on me. Then I tell her what I saw. After a while I stop and just go up to my room and do homework. After I'm done I think. Peter doesn't know that I know. I have to tell him. I don't think I can look him in the eye anymore. To distract myself I watch a movie. Later that night the doorbell rings and someone comes up the stairs. I take a deep breath expecting it to be Peter. It's Tommy during the rest of the summer we got super close. We chatted for a little while and I told him about what I saw. Half an hour later he leaves. At 10:30 I go to bed and mentally prepare for tomorrow.

The next day I wake up, braid my hair, put on a purple tie dye tank top with jean shorts, and take a banana for breakfast and go to school. I live a block and a half away so the bus is not necessary. Only the sports teams with early practices are there. I walk in a little while later Peter comes up to me at my locker.

"Hey." he says, "You look pretty today."

"Are you sure you want to say that to me and not your other girlfriend?" I ask. He looks shocked for a minute then pretends to look confused.

"What are you talking about?" he asked cluelessly.

"Peter," I say, "I saw you kiss that other girl yesterday in your backyard. Don't lie to me. I think we should break up." It was hard to do but I knew it was right. No matter how much I just wanted to kiss him and pretend nothing ever happened. Is all of high school going to be like this?

Boys do stupid things. No offense but the boys I know are complete imbeciles so much that they don't even know what that word means. Sorry for the short chap. Anyone got a guess for what will happen to Zoe and Tommy? I certainly know luv ya -lightningbug-6

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