Camp Friday(one more camp part for now)

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Zoe's POV:

It was Friday. Finally! I woke up, got ready and went to breakfast. My appointment I guess you could call it was at 10. At breakfast I tried to make conversation with Charlie but he was still pissed at me. I love him and all but he is so overprotective sometimes. I had arts and crafts where we made dream catchers. The leader,Lacy(Someone else grew up too), was super nice and sweet about me leaving for a short amount of time for my appointment.

When I got to the infirmary I'm led to the section I was in on Tuesday. Then Peter came in. He did a quick look and checked it then took the ace bandage off. He told me some exercises to do to make it stronger.

"Just do them at the normal time you would ice it and if it hurts again just come back. Okay?"Peter asked.

"Okay."I said, blushing a little. He's so cute when he talks about medical stuff, and when he is talking about other things, and just in general.

"Great, then you're all set. I'll see you tonight"he said, now blushing too.

"Can't wait"I got up and kissed his cheek, then walked out.

OMG!What did I just do! I know he asked me out so he likes me too but what if he wasn't ready for that. I'm so stupid. I got to get back to arts and crafts.

Peter's POV:

Zoe got up and KISSED MY CHEEK!!! Her lips were warm and soft. They left a tingling feeling on my face. So she does like me, maybe I'll kiss her tonight. Like a proper kiss. Best day ever!

Lacy's POV:

Zoe came back blushing and giggling from her appointment. This daughter of Aphrodite knows something is going on.

"You were gone when I said this, but when making a dream catcher you can make a wish while sewing the center design and it will come true." I said.

"Really? Cool."Zoe said.

"Now if I were you I'd wish for the boy I like to kiss me properly."I whispered.

"Shhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. How did you know?"she asked.

"You came back blushing and you keep touching your lips. And even though I am one, you don't need to be a child of Aphrodite to know you like someone. Now make a wish." Then I turned away to help other people.

*Time skip to 6:57*

Zoe's POV:

I'm all ready and just putting on simple mascara for make up. He told me I was pretty after my hair was a mess and I was all sweaty from training on Tuesday. I hear a knock on the door, grab my bag, take one last look in the mirror, then reach for the door. Charlie gets there first and glares at Peter.

Charlie's POV:

I open the door and glare at the Peter kid. He seems nice, but not good enough for my sister. He holds out his hand and I firmly shake it.

"Have her back by curfew or the harpies won't be the only things out to kill you."

"Yes,"he says quickly."I will."

Zoe comes out of the bathroom looking beautiful, too beautiful for some boy.

She says bye and leaves with Peter. I stare at them until they are out of sight.

Peter's POV:(Sorry for the POV changes it will mostly be Zoe's after this)

I knock on the door and her brother Charlie opens it. He shakes my hand. Surprisingly he only threatened me once. Then I saw Zoe. She looked more perfect than I ever thought someone could look. She comes outside and I take her hand, I lead her to the beach, then we sit on the pier talking and watching the sunset.

"You look gorgeous."I say, kissing her hand. She giggles and we sit. She puts her head on my shoulder. We sit in silence for a while just enjoying each other's company. It is now dark and see a shooting star. "Make a wish." I say. She closes her eyes, when she opens them I turn to face her. We lean in and I kiss her, a real kiss, on the lips. It feels like the best thing in the world.

"Wish come true."said Zoe after the kiss broke.

"Huh?"I say like an idiot. She giggles.

"You said make a wish on the shooting star. My wish was for you to kiss me."she said.

Zoe's POV:

"Make a wish."says Peter. So cheesy, but still sweet. I closed my eyes and wished for him to kiss me. I open my eyes and he turns to face me. We lean in and kiss, a real kiss, on the lips. It sends sparks of happiness and warmth through me.

"Wish come true."I say.

"Huh?"Peter asks. I giggle slightly

"You said make a wish on the shooting star. My wish was for you to kiss me."I say. I lean in again. Then it's curfew so we head back. He drops me off at my cabin and I thank him for a fun night. I head inside but Charlie isn't there, oh well, I change into my pajamas, still thinking about earlier. I can't wait to tell Dawn and Violet. I fall asleep happy.

U like, u love, u hate review and let me know also anyone got a ship for these two I have Zeter or Poe which I hate the second one give me your suggestions luv ya


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