The Plan

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All rights and characters go to Uncle rick except the ones I created

Zoe's POV:

My knee hurts like Hades. I think it might be broken. Peter carries me to the infirmary and just takes me straight to the back . He gets his medical stuff. He takes an X-ray. A few moments of examining it later his face falls.

"Zoe," he says, " your knee is broken. Straight down the middle. Look" he holds up the X-ray picture. I don't know what else to do but cry, so I do. Peter just holds me and rubs my back. I breathe in his scent. He smells like citrus fruit. I don't know what I'd do without him now. God what will everyone say about this. My friends will definitely freak. I haven't been able to talk to them much lately because of family week going on but we see each other during campfire and activities.

Peter starts to treat it and does proper medical care. Idk I don't know how to treat a broken knee. I'm back on crutches which means back to doing nothing. I can still teach and do some things, but not a lot.

Dawn's POV:

My parents are starting to really get on my nerves. Especially my dad. He turns everything into a competition. It's like he's part of the Nike cabin, but worse. I mean, like, you don't even go here anymore. Just chill. I have archery right now. The whole Zeus cabin walks over, even the mortals. The instructor gives us our bows and we start shooting.

"Dawn." says my dad. Oh brother here we go again. "I bet I have better accuracy than you shooting the center."

"Dad, I don't really care." I say. I shoot, getting an 8/10 on the target. Dad shoots and hits a bullseye. Bruh. Only until Sunday, only until Sunday. This will be a long week.

Riley's POV:

This camp is awesome. My dad told me about all of the pranks he used to pull and I have a list. Once activities start, Lena, my BFF, and Aileen will sneak into Cabin 10. Then it's bye-bye makeup. Oh there's the conch horn for breakfast. I can't wait.

After breakfast the three of us have a quick meeting. We go to activities for a little. Then right before the second one starts is when we strike. The supplies is all gathered in a bag stuffed under Lena's bed. We head to Cabin 3 to get the stuff. What we don't expect to find is Zoe sitting on her bed reading. Oh Shoot! I forgot she has bed rest for 2 more days.

"I already know what you're here for." she says, looking up from her book, "I know my little sister like I know myself. I will let you guys continue your plan on one condition. You let me help."

"What!" Lena exclaims. I'm with her, we were busted for sure 5 seconds ago.

"I'm so bored. There is nothing to do. Take me with you. And if you don't, Mom said I could call her if I need anything. So really you don't have a choice. Plus Riley you're smart, but not that smart. I'll bet you don't have a plan to cover your tracks. Everyone will know it's you." she gets up and walks toward the exit on her crutches. "You coming or not?" she asked. The three of us have a sort of mind convo by just looking at each other. We were in, the plan is back on and better than ever.

All of us are outside the Aphrodite cabin and Aileen reaches for the door.

"Wait! Dionysus is also the god of mysteries his kids will dust for prints because the Aphrodite kids won't stop bugging them until they do. It will be the first place they look. Lena takes these gloves and open the back window then come up and open the door for us." Zoe commanded. Lena did as she was told.

Once we are in Zoe gives the rest of us gloves and get to work. Divide and conquer.

"Okay." I say, "Zoe you put the dye in shampoo. Lena hot sauce in the lip gloss. Aileen activator in the foundation. And I will put glue in the hairspray. Now when the kids come back they have 45 minutes until lunch. All of these products will be used and by the time they notice it will be too late. There will be no time to fix it. We did everything as quickly as possible and left without a trace. Little did we know that Aileen noticed her hair was a little frizzy and brushed her hair leaving some behind

Y'all I finished Nutcracker. To celebrate I gave you an extra long chapter find out to Aileen in the next chap luv ya


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