Mom i kinda need to breathe

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all rights and characters go to rick except the ones I created

Marie's POV:

We finally got to camp and I couldn't wait to get away from my parents. I love them and all, but Mom kind of puts a lot of pressure on me to act like the older sibling and be responsible. We get up the hill past another 100 people and once we get to the border Mom crushs us both in bear hugs.

"Mom"I gasped for breath" I kinda need to breathe"

"Fine"she teased"if you must."Then did the Same for Emily. I said goodbye to Dad and walked down the hill toward the Hades Cabin. See if you are a legacy of the Big 3 you get to stay in their cabin because it is empty. I found my bunk and started unpacking.

Zoe's POV:

"Bye Mom and Dad" I said giving them hugs on top of the hill. I headed down to my cabin(3) and threw down my back to go catch up with my friends. I checked Cabin 1 and Dawn was not there then realized Violet would be helping people check in, so I headed down to the training arena. Chiron was touring a group of new people and saw me.

"This is Zoe Jackson one of the best fighters at camp"said Chiron"She is going to teach some classes this year."

"I am"I asked amazed"I mean yes I am, apparently"muttering the last part.

He continued on with the tour then I started hacking away at practice dummies. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I swung at them. Thankfully they ducked because it was Dawn. We hugged and went over to the picnic area to chat.

Sorry for another short chap I am going to write short ones but update a few t a time but I will do some long ones. Next For ship name of Charlie and Katherine should it be Charine, Charthine, Kathlie, Kathie or post your own name in the comments luv ya


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