Finding out about family week(boys POV)

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All rights and characters go to Rick except the ones I created

 Jason's POV:

             Today was long. All I wanted was to go home and relax for the rest of the night. As I'm pulling into the drive way I get the mail. I look through it and find a letter from CHB. I instantly tear it open thinking one of my kids is injured or worse. All it is, is an invitation for family week at camp. Must be new. I go inside and find Piper sitting on the couch working on a project. She is an interior designer. I walk over to her and pick her up bridal style. She squeals as I sit down putting her on my lap kissing her. I love her so much. After a little while of this I give her the letter. She reads it then jumps up and starts packing. I just laugh and lay back. 

Percy's POV:

           Since it was summer I didn't have to teach, I'm a biology teacher. I was walking to get the mail and said hi to my bro(Jason) from his car. Reading the letter I go back inside and hand it to Annabeth. Then she starts going on about how this is "the best news ever" and all that. She really must need a break from being home with Luke and Lena all day. At camp they have activities to keep them out of her hair. I go start packing while Annabeth tells the kids and helps them.

Will's POV:

          I love getting the mail. You never know what will come and you get to go outside. It's so nice out. Maybe I will take Nico for a picnic on the deck out back for lunch. I find him taking a nap on the couch. He's so cute when he's sleeping, all scrunched up in a little ball. I wake him up and tell him about the letter. He smiles at the mention of seeing our Bumblebee. He loves her and Bia loves him. He's Papa and I'm Dad or Daddy. We watch a movie then I drag him out side for a picnic.

Frazel is going to be the longer one because I thought of a cute, fluffy idea for them

Frank's POV:

           I get the mail and sit down at the table, careful what I want to throw out(I one time threw out our tax refund money. It took a lot of kisses to get Hazel to forgive). While I'm throwing out the junk pile, Hazel walks in and opens a letter. As she reads it I stare at her. She is so gorgeous, how did I get her. With her perfect everything I lose track of time. She looks up and smiles

"What?"she asks.

"Nothing."I reply, "Is it wrong to stare at my beautiful, amazing(amazhang come Frank, you of all people should know this), short wife?" walking up to her and picking her up to my level. I kiss her full on with passion. She giggles, ahhhh I love her giggle, and her everything.

"Hey! Wait a minute, I'm not short."she says, playfully pushing me away.

"The fact that I had to pick you up more than a foot says otherwise."I tease.

"Well I'm sorry we can't all be giant, 6'3'' giraffe people."

"I hate to break it to you but most people get taller than 5'1''."

"Whatever." she grabs a chair, pulls it over and stands on it. "There. Now we are the same height." I lean in instead of down like usual.  I love Hazel and can't wait to see my other girls in 2 days.

IT'S SO FLUFFY(Agnes from Despicable Me with her unicorn) Girls POV to follow, then family week, then other parts of the story. luv ya                                                                                                                                                                                                        -lightningbug-6

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