Demigod Reunion(theyna)

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So this is when the triplets are little, like baby little

Zoe's POV:

I wake up to crying. I run to the nursery to find out who it is. Luna. Her real name is Ava, but she was born during a lunar eclipse unlike the other two. Oh yeah now I have three kids. Wow. I get her a bottle as Thalia and Reyna come in.

"Aww that's so cute."said Thalia. Apparently she has a soft spot for babies. She walked to Delilah and Reyna picked up Lily. We went down stairs and I made breakfast.

Thalia's POV:

I love my little grand-nieces so much. Oh my gods I'm so old. Good thing I still look like I'm 15. Babies are definitally my Achilles Heal. I love them almost as much as Reyna. Gods how does she be so perfect all the time. 

After breakfast we go to one of the guestrooms and get ready for the party. We are having a Demigod Family Reunion at some fancy-smancy restaurant in the city. DeAbollo's I think IDK is this real. I take Reyna's hand Squee Ship (sorry) and walk to the car. After we get to the restaurant the hostess lead us to a room in the back. We are a hour early because we are hosting.

"Okay." said Zoe handing me and Reyna a triplet, "We have an hour until people get here and Charlie and Katherine will be here soon. And my mother is always half an hour early. But everyone is already in town so that is helpful. Now the staff is taking care of food, but we are decorating. If you have a baby put them in a stroller or something." 

"Yes ma'am."said Tommy grabbing some streamers. There were orange and purple decorations everywhere waiting to be put up. Tommy and Reyna did streamers, I did balloons, and Zoe did crepe paper balls. Charlie and Katherine showed up with their kids and finished helping. 

After a while everyone showed up. Kids were at a table being closely watched by parents. I sat in between Percy and Reyna. We held hands under the table. After the party I was tired I collapsed into bed next to Reyna falling asleep staring at her beautiful face.

There you go ishiptheynasohard this is for you I will make another party one.

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