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OMG guys thank you so so much for 4k views as a little reward I thought very long and hard, but you know not really and just came up with something random, and made a new chap enjoy!

so someone asked me to a while ago to make a sort of like one shot where like Emily and Marie are in middle school so I am doing that now

Emily's POV:

As I walked off the bus I breathed a sigh of relief. This my last first day of middle school. As people pushed passed me I didn't think of good memories from the last two years here, I thought about leaving! I walked over to my four friends: Lucy, Riley, Gina, and Caitlin. We've been friends since kindergarten. 

As we walked in we talked about how we wanted our year to go. "I think you finally asked out bread, Emily." said Riley, my bestie out of the four. And just so you can keep up we have code names for our crushes. Mine is Brody, but we call him bread. Gina, along with the rest of us are convinced that Kieran likes Caitlin, so we call him car. And Lucy is "definitely sure" that Avi likes me, so we call him obviously. So yeah. The five of us parted ways for homeroom. One thing though, when your last name starts with the last letter your homeroom is at the end of the hall. 

I scurried in and the teacher had assigned seats. Oh fun I get to sit in front of Marie and hear her lecture me on everything mom probably told her this morning. Cue tuning out. The teacher started role call.

I, of course, had to be different so instead of "here." I said "On earth!" Face it we've all over thought about how to say here when the teacher calls your name That got me a couple giggles and the feeling of daggers in the back of my head.

The teacher just continued. "Marie Zhang?" he asked.

"Here!" she replied with her perfectly annoying voice. 

"You two twins?" said Mr. Idiot. No we're not just have the same last name and look the same by coincidence.

"Yes." little Ms perfect replied.

"Unfortunately "I added. He finished all the names, told us about  how we have to go to the gym for an assembly after this and then the bell rung. I found Gina, bc she was in my homeroom and we found the others and walked to the gym. Since we were eighth graders we sat at the top of the bleachers, after kicking off some sixths graders who don't know their place. We also all know there is a higharchy too The new principal gave a speech to introduce himself, new staff, mainly consisting of new coaches for sports,but I wasn't listening until three things happened. One as the new baseball coach was giving his speech Brody slid up next to me.

"Hey." he said smiling that stupidly perfect adorable smile. "Cool how we're getting all these new people right?"

Tell me," I ask "did you notice how they are all coaches for the boys team even the gymnastics team got a new one. And the girls team still has our 65 year old retired gymnast, now don't get me wrong I love Coach Kestler like the rest of them but like it's a huge title 9 offense. If you bring in coaches for all the boys teams you have to do the same for all girls teams too." We continued chatting and me only slightly listening to the new principal until heard one thing.

 "Next we got a new wrestling coach, please welcome Coach Zhang." All the wrestling guys cheered, including Brody, who was only the team. Meanwhile the color drained from my face. I stood up to try and find Marie to see her reaction to this, but I couldn't.

 As my dad gave his speech I started to feel dizzy, I was panting to breath and the room was spinning. When my dad mentioned that his kids went here I thought I was going to pass out. Brody stood up too and took my hand, making me face him.

"Emily? Emily!Are you okay?" he asked putting a hand on my cheek.Apparently my dad noticed this and called out.

"Hey! Hey you! Boy, yeah you! Get your hands off my daughter!" I felt all eyes turn to me, and as Brody dropped my hand I fell. This time I actually passed out.

hey guys so this is a really cool idea I have so stay tuned for part two and read my other story The Forgotten Soul vote if you read it luv ya -lightningbug-6

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