Party like a Demigod :O

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Zoe's POV:

I wake up to crying. I run to the nursery and see that it is Luna. Her real name is Ava but she was born under a lunar eclipse unlike the other two. Thalia and Reyna walk in and each take a baby. We go downstairs and I make breakfast. I leave Thalia and Reyna to play with the triplets while I go get ready. I see Tommy sitting in bed watching something. I go to the bed and snuggle up to him.

"We have kids now."I tell him, amazed. We went from zero kids to three all in one day. That's....... something. A good something though I love my babies.

"Yeah, they're adorable. And I can tell them apart now. Luna has your hair and eyes but looks like me, and Delilah and Lily have my eyes and hair but look like you." he said.

"Yeah, it's weird though she looks just like you."I say. We get ready and take our babies back while Thalia and Reyna get ready, we feed them. All of us get in the car and head to the restaurant. After everything is set up people start to come. The triplets are being passed around and sitting on whoever wants to hold them's lap. Luna looks a little stressed can a baby be stressed idk you get the point she doesn't like it so I take her back and cradle her.

"She's so cute" said Dad, "and strangely looks exactly like Tommy, you know with facial expressions. She has your black hair and gray eyes. But still cute."  

Uncle Grover walks over and holds Luna. I figured she would like him. She starts to cry. Uncle Grover looks terrified. I take her back and calm her down.

"Don't worry you didn't do anything wrong. She's just not in a people-y mood are any of ever. She'll be fine." I tell him, he looks relived.

"Good. I don't want my grand-niece hating on me."he jokes to which I laugh. "Man, grand-niece. I sound so old."

"That's what I said." Thalia laughed while walking up. Luna started crying again, she was probably hungry. I go get a bottle and feed Luna. After that she is still crying a little. Then Tommy walks up to me.

"Hey umm so Delilah and Lily are getting kinda restless so maybe we should go home." he told me.

"Yeah same for Luna. I just thought it was the people but I fed her and she is still crying." I agree. "Let me say quick good-bye's and make sure Thalia and Reyna get a ride." I say good-bye to everyone, they will be in town for 2 more weeks because it is summer. Tomorrow some more people come to our house. Thalia said her and Reyna will "hitch a ride with whoever" so I guess that's settled. Tommy drives home and I sit in the passenger seat. We get the triplets ready for bed. I collapsed into bed exhusted. Will the next 18 years be like this. I hope so.

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