Gaara thought it over for a minute. "Orochimaru is either on the move or going to a new hideout." She nodded, pinching her nose bridge. "This is concerning." She drew her knees up and curled her tail around her ankles. She turned her eyes towards the window, looking out. He could tell she was worried and nervous no matter how calm she acts. She clears her throat and smiles. "Ok, time for  check up." She get up from her chair and walked to Kankuro. "Open." She tapped her lips and he opens his mouth. "hm, no redness, swelling, or unusual rashing. No rasp in your voice either. No sign you have ever been poisoned in the first place but you did strain your muscles before they were ready so one more day may make you one hundred percent.

     Then she walked to Gaara and tapped her chin. "Well you're perfectly fine now. You didn't loose your healing ability after the extraction so two days was exactly what you needed to get back up to speed." She smiled and walked around the table to pick up the empty dishes. After putting them in the sink she went to her room to pack up.

   Kankuro leaned back as he worked on the puppet arm. "Sure going to miss her being around. Good cook and great to be around right?" Gaara looked up from his papers. "Yes."

  "That's it?...." He shook his head and patted Gaara's shoulder. "See you around baby brother." With that he walked out, going back to the workshop.


   Standing in her room packing, Kaiya placed the last of her belongings into the bag on her bed. Her two days were up. If she is quick, she could catch up with the others right before they reach the village. She already marked Kakashi with a seal. Something she borrowed from the fourth Hokage's leftover kunai. It took her awhile to master the sealing technique but it was worth it, made traveling faster. She looked to the door. It was great to see Gaara again, great to see how he changed. It's a shame she had to leave. "Kaiya." She heard the familiar voice of spirit guide. "Yes Lira."

     "I am not one to medle in your relations but...." Kaiya flicked her ears. "What are you suggesting?"

"I'm suggesting that you have the mind and heart of any normal girl your age. That boy-"

"Stop. He is the Kazekage Lira. Different village, different land, end of story. And don't bring up the way I said goodbye years ago. That didn't mean.......nothing never mind.." She looked down, her are lowering. She looked up to the roof and decided to go and relieve some stress. Or.....she can do something else.

   She grabbed some papers from her bag and shoved them into her pocket before walking out of the room and down the hall. Temari and Kankuro must be asleep by now. Opening the door she peered in. Gaara wasn't there. "Did you need something?" Speak of the devil. She turned around and smiled. "I want to show you something nice before I leave." Flicked her tail in a gesture for him to follow. She flashed to the roof and laid the many squares of papers down on the ground.

   He arrived soon after. He looked at the scattered papers on the ground curiously. "I learned a song in my clan. One that is a harmless jutsu." Kaiya took out a leaf from her pocket and put it to her lips. Closing her eyes, a sound floated across the dry air. The leaf was turned into a flute. (play song)

     The papers around them glowed before balls of gold, silver, and blue light rose from each one. They hovered like fireflies all around. Kaiya completely focused on her song that she didn't notice the redheads unblinking stare. This reminded him of that first time he had run into her. She was singing with such sadness. Though she no longer held sorrow in her eyes but that loneliness still faintly showed. It must be because she left her clan behind.

   He watched the floating lights. "You said this was a jutsu?" She opens her eyes and nods. "It's called festival firefly. Used for celebrations but I think it can also be a diversion." She pokes one of the lights near her and it got brighter. "See you around Gaara, I have to catch up with the others." She grinned and began to walk past but stopped. "Oh, remember this?" She rose onto her toes and pecked him on the cheek. With that she ran off.


    After closing the door to her room she looked up to see Lira giving her a look. "What?"

   "I didn't bring it up but you did."

"You watched?"



Kaiya threw on her bag and made hand seals. To appear near Kakashi. When she did she found herself suddenly put in motion and falling onto dirt. "Ow....."  a few stopped. "Is that Kaiya?" She looked up to see the mini Gai. "Oh hey Lee, what just happened. I was supposed to appear with Kakashi." Sakura helped her up and pointed. When Kaiya looked she saw Gai carrying the ragdoll silver ninja at high speed. "Wha-"

"A training exorcise!" Lee gave a thumbs up. Hmm....that looked fun actually. "Lee! Carry me!" Neji gave her a odd look. Knowing his team, Lee tried to make him be the weight. She happily hopped onto Lee's shoulders. "Charge!"

 "Alright!" Lee charges forward at top speed. "Weeeeeeeh!"

........Naruto, Sakura, and Neji looked at each other. "Did she hit her head on a tree while she was away?" Naruto scratched his head. "No time to think, hurry before we loose them." Neji commanded. The three took off to catch up with the others, only a long trail of kicked up dust to follow.

The ninja wolfs bond (Gaara romance love story)book 2 of howl of the ninjas wolfWhere stories live. Discover now