Battlefront (Black Panther)

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"Since before that dragonstone was lodged in your head." Death answers making him reflect to when Rita almost killed him.

"I, am the darkness that was in your head since you were little." Death tells him and he doesn't know how to take that so he presses it down.

"And why am I here right now?" Y/N asks her.

"Because, that ignorant Wakandan is using my herald to accomplish something that will affect me!" Death tells him.

"Erick?" Y/N asks and she nods slowly.

"How is he using your herald exactly?" Y/N asks.

"There was a relic that was made that can control my heralds.. It was used millennia ago to stop my plans but now he's using it to his advantage." Death explains.

"Where is this herald and why does Erick need him?" Y/N asks.

"He's in Wakanda and he needs him to take you out.. Good to see that you aren't as egotistical as Canora and think that everything revolves around you." Death answers.

"I mean I was thinking that but I just didn't want to come off that way." Y/N says making her shake her head.

"Zionites... You need to find the relic and smash it to pieces. It will break the hold the Wakandan has on him." Death tells him making him nod.

"Where is the relic?" Y/N asks.

"If I knew it would've been destroyed a long time ago.. It looks like this though." Death says before summoning a visual of it.

" Death says before summoning a visual of it

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"What's your herald's name?" Y/N asks.

"Titus Sestius Valentinus but he likes to go by Mortis.. Means death in Latin I believe.. One of those inefficient earth languages." She answers making him nod.

"That is a name." Y/N lets out making the entity giggle.

Death looks at his suit and more importantly him. Eyeing the 22 year old young Zionite. Admiring the features that are attractive to her.

"I must say Y/N, I love the reaper vibe you go for." Death says with a grin making him roll his eyes.

"And here I thought you would be upset that i'm copying your shtick." Y/N replies with a smirk.

"Well, I do get furious when mortal beings replicate it.. But you, hahaa.. Are not normal.. You, can be the reaper all day and night throughout the universe for all I care." Death says with a smirk.

"And why is that?" Y/N asks curious.

"You, my dear Y/N.. Are the greatest killing machine ever created.." Death answers.

"The Wakandan just killed somebody actually." Death says as she looks off to the side.

"WHO?!" Y/N yells.

Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader x MCU )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ