When I'm Scared

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(A/N...This one's from the point of view of a child, so there's a strange rhythm and includes words that don't really exist, such as "purpler". Just so you know I haven't turned into an imbecile xD)

Snowflakes drift along outside my window,

but I'm not interested.

I'm scared and when I'm scared I start to notice

things I wouldn't usually.

Like the threadbare parts of my blue carpet.

Blue and red make purple.

And blood doesn't make blue carpet purpler,

just darker where I bleed.

And whenever it's cold I think I'm more scared,

more scared than I actually am.

I think that it's to do with all the shivering.

Snowflakes don't help either.

And I notice that purpler isn't really a word,

and suddenly want a dictionary.

I wish I had anything other than shivering

to take my mind off bleeding.

I notice how police sirens aren't so loud from inside

But they are when you're alone

And how the flashing blue lights light up all of the night

but my blood is still dark

And how policemen bang on the door far too loudly

and how they're not all men

and how your heart beats so much faster when they're breaking in

and how they don't know where you are

and how when you're this scared you start noticing the obvious again

which hasn't happened before.

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