High-school/ Chan ft Felix

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Warnings: vampire High-school au. Human myla. Vampire Chan. Vampire Felix. School Shoot out.

AN: I honestly don't know what this is

Chan x Myla

Chan kisses Myla's lips gently, his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him instead of the bathroom stall, he moans against her lips but before he could remove her clothes he hears what sounds like a gunshot and he freezes his arms immediately pulling away from her waist and he quickly shuts the bathroom stall and locks it.

"Channie." Myla gaps as she hears screaming and running in the hallway.

Chan shushes her gently and he whispers "I'm here, don't worry." He gently helps her up onto the toilet and joins her before pulling his own gun out which causes her to whimper fear.

"Don't worry baby, I'm not going to use it on you. I bring it with me everyday in case something like this would actually happen." Chan gently wraps his arm around her and pulls her into his chest and kisses her temple and he whispers "I'll protect you."

Before she could say anything the bathroom door slams open causing Myla to grip into Chan's shirt and she covers her mouth as tears roll down her face.

Chan's grip on his gun tightens when the bathroom stalls door starts to slam open but it stops when he hears the bathroom door open again and then a scream before hearing a gunshot.

Myla bites her lip so hard that she starts bleeding, Chan quickly kisses her lips gently and sucks on her bottom lip drinking her blood, his eyes flashing a red color before he releases a deep growl before opening the bathroom stall door and walks out with Myla clinging to the side.

Chan comes face to face with the school shooter to find his best friend: Felix.

"Felix what are you doing mate?" Chan asks as he pulls Myla behind him.

Felix stares at Chan with a blank look and says "I want to die, Chan." Chan tears up at his words and he whispers "why would you say that?"

Felix bites his bottom lip and he whispers "I've been living too long, I'm hoping that the vampire counsel will destroy me." Felix then glances at Myla and says to Chan "Protect her with your life, Chan I know how long you wanted someone to love and you found her."

Chan lets out a small tear before turning to his human mate and wraps his arms around her after Felix leaves in a hurry.

"Channie-" Myla lets out a soft whimper putting her shaky small chubby hands on his shoulders, her brown eyes wide with tears.

Chan wipes her fallen tears and gently kisses her lips gently holding her close before pulling away he whispers "I love you, Myla. I was going to tell you tonight but Felix outed me."

Myla tears up and starts to cry and she whispers "I love you too." Chan wraps his arms around her waist and picks her up and whispers "Let's get out of here."

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