dog fight / chan

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Warnings: dog fights, bite marks, and blood.


Chan heard his wife yell from the living before a big full on fight happens between the dogs they have, Chan rushes into the livingroom after slamming the door and watches as both of his small dogs fighting each other nastily, he watches his wife try to break it up but gets bit in the process and he quickly grabs a blanket and wraps his hands up before getting them apart and puts them in separate cages.

Chan than gets up and rushes to his wife's side and looks down at her arm to see bite marks and blood and he growls deeply in anger before pulling her close and he whispers "Come on baby girl let's get that wound cleaned up"

Chan guides her into the bathroom and helps her sit on  the edge of the bathtub, and he speaks softly to her. "What were they fighting about?" Myla sighs softly, and she whispers through pain."Over a toy."

Chan scoffs angrily before taking the first aid out from under the sink and quickly cleans her wound and puts peroxide on it, and he whispers, "We should get rid of them, they made your bleed."

Myla's bottom lip wobbles, and she whispers, "Don't get rid of them channie, it was my fault for getting in the middle of it."

Chan looks at her with gentle eyes and he whispers "Babygirl you're very sweet but-" Myla whimpers and nuzzles her nose against his and whispers "They're our family channie, we can't give up on them." 

Chan sighs deeply before nuzzling her back as he wraps her arm up, and he whispers "Alright my love."

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