Obesophobia // Chan

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Warnings: obesophobia, emotional, angst, comfort. Negative thinking, Self- fat shaming. Cursing. Babygirl nicknamed is used!

Obesophobia means an intense fear of gaining weight.

“Shit.” Myla whines when she looks at her body in the mirror, she didn’t notice how fat she had gotten, she whimpers softly as she looks at her body which was big, she really wants to lose this weight quickly so she can look good again for Chan.

Myla glances at Chan whose curled up on the bed sleeping heavily, his snores filling the room completely unaware what's going on, she bites her lip before going to take a shower, she lifts up her stomach to wash under it, tears in her eyes and quickly washes other parts of her body before getting out and drying off, before getting dressed in oversized clothes.

Myla stares into the mirror of the bathroom, and she tears up before whispering to herself “I’m no longer small enough for Channie.” she starts to cry silently as she starts thinking negatively he doesn't want me anymore. I’m worthless now. 

“Babygirl, hey, what's wrong?” Chan says softly as he opens the bathroom door. Myla gaps softly and turns and looks at him. When Chan sees her tears, his heart breaks, and he walks over to her slowly as if he's afraid she might run away.

When Chan gets to her close, he gently wraps his arms around her, causing her to cry out loudly and gently push him away “Don’t- don’t touch me.” Chan whimpers and shakes his head in no motion, before fighting his hold on her as she keeps trying to push him off weakly, but he is stronger than her “Babygirl, talk to me please!”

Myla cries softly as she explains “I’m fat, Channie! I'm so disgusted with myself!” Chan cups her face gently and firmly says “You are not fat!” Myla whimpers at him and buries her face into his chest and just cries loudly against his chest before crying out “I don’t want to look this way, Channie!”

Chan holds her tightly against him and he whispers softly “Tomorrow you’ll start going to gym with me, I’ll get us smaller portion plates, and i’ll get more fruit and veggies in the house okay?” 

Myla nods, gripping his sweater and whispers softly “Promise?”

Chan kisses her head gently and whispers “I promise baby.”

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