Valentine / Chan

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Plot Myla is six years old and wants a Valentine

Warnings: fluff and angst. More emotional towards the end. Myla's mom. Chan's wife passed away in the story.

Myla whines softly as she cuddles into her father's (Chan) chest and grips his shirt before whispering softly. "Daddy?"

Chan hums and holds her close, his large hands rubbing her back gently as he leans his head back on the couch.

"How come no one wants to be my Valentine?" Myla asks with a pout, cuddling more into his chest. Chan lifts his head from the couch, and he says softly, "You're too young to have one, and if you did, Daddy would have to get his BB gun."

Myla giggles for a few seconds before, and she asks softly, "I want one though daddy."  

Chan sits up more and looks at her. He notices how sad she looks, and he asks softly "Babygirl why do you want one so bad?"

Myla fidgets, and she whispers sadly, "Mama would be my Valentine, and she would set up dates for us. It was a way for us to bond, too. She books spa days, and if we can't do that, she would make lunch and take me in a panic, and she would buy nail polish, and we would do our nails. If I'm sick, she would cuddle me and read to me."

Chan looks at Myla with sad eyes and he clears his throat so he doest cry, it was only so recent that his wife passed away, he missed her terribly and he can see that his daughter missed her too.

"Do you want to be my Valentine?" Chan asks Myla softly. Myla looks up at him, his eyes lighting up happily "yes" she whispered.

Chan chuckles and says, "I'm yours, baby girl. How about we go out and have a panic down at the ocean?" Myla squeals happily."I'll get my swimming suit." She jumps off the couch and into the bedroom, and Chan stands up and goes off to the picture on the wall and kisses his wife in the picture, and he whispers,"We miss you. I'm going to take over being Myla's Valentine until she doesn't want it anymore."

Chan tears up, and he whispers some more. "We'll be okay, my love. I'll make sure to drop by the grave today, too, and make sure to leave you a gold rose."

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