The bully's dad / Chan

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Warnings: Detailed smut, abuse (being bullied) 

Plot: Chan was glad his daughter was finally becoming a better person but what he discovers at the sleepover party makes him extremely angry and go over the edge. 

Note: Chan's daughter is a bully toward the reader and the reader gets in invited to the party and it doesn't go well. 

Second note: the reader is 18 and Chan is in his early 30s in this fanfic. 


Chan snaps the scissors out of Ava’s hand, his daughter, who was cutting Myla's stomach while her friends held her down. 

Chan than gathers up Myla and gets her his bedroom before calling the cops and Myla's mom to explain what happened and to apologize to Myla's mom about what happened before helping Myla clean her wounds. 

Once they were finished Chan sat down next to Myla, his eyes red from crying on the phone while he spoke to Myla's mom who would make it there until tomorrow due to her work. 

Chan places his hand over Myla's and he whispers "I'm so sorry this happened, I don't know why Ava did this." 

Myla sniffles and she whispers softly to him "Ava said it was because of the way I looked, and that she was jealous that I had a mom and she didn't." 

Chan pets Myla's head gently and he whispers "Yeah but didn't she have the right to cut you because of it or to bully you either for that fact. I knew she had issues but I didn't think it went this far." 

Myla shakes her head and whispers "It's fine, I deserved it." Chan scoffs loudly and wraps his arm around her shoulders protectively and says "No you didn't, Ava is going to spend the night in jail, and If your mom wants to press charges she can. Ava crossed the line." 

Myla sniffles and buries her face against his shoulder and sobs against him and Chan cries with her holding her close and shushes her gently. 

They don't pull away from each other until they hear a pounding knock on the door. 

"The cops are here, stay here sweetie if they need to talk to you I'll come and get you." Chan whispers as he leaves the bedroom before going to Ava’s room and grabbing her by the wrist and making her friends follow to the door. 

There Chan opens the door and shows the teens outside where the cops stood and he explains everything to them and then he tells the cop that he wants his daughter spending the night in the cell and if Myla or her mom wants to press charges he'll be okay with it.  

The cops took down all the information and put Ava in cuffs who cries and begs her dad not to do this but Chan ignores her. 

When other cars pull up, it was three in total before the teens would possibly lie, Chan explains to them that they were holding Myla down as his daughter practically tortured her. 

It was safe to say all the parents were in rage and told the cops that they would deal with this at home before leaving. 

The cop turns towards Chan and says "Is Myla's mom going to come get her?" Chan nods and says "Yeah but she's on a business trip and won't be able to pick her up so I told her i'll watch her until then."  

The cop nods and just walks away after another cop walks outside and says "I got Myla's statement." 

The cop nods and yells over at Chan "when Myla's mom gets here I want all of you at the cop station." 

Chan nods before walking back into the house and he sighs loudly before walking to his room and he sits next to Myla on his bed. 

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." Chan whispered to her softly and Myla just sniffled and whispered "It's okay, it's not like you helped her." 

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