baby cee

660 27 16

oakley's pov

"that's up to pau" jack looked over at paulina. naturally, my eyes followed in her direction. i mean, it really is up to her but i secretly prayed jack wouldn't come.

"why can't both of y'all come?" she asked, grabbing her jacket from the kitchen counter. "lets go" she insisted. regardless, pau inviting me gave me hope that her memory would come back any day now.

pau walked ahead of us and out the door. jack and i slowly fell behind and i took this chance to say something.

"hey bro..." i spoke, getting jacks attention. "i know we haven't been on the best of terms in the past.. but all i ask is that you please respect my relationship with pau" i said genuinely. jack looked at me and nodded as he listened.

jack paused. "well as far as paulina is concerned, there is no relationship" jack stated. that entire sentence lit a fire under my ass fr. "bruh, don't play dumb" i said, letting out an annoyed chuckle. "we both know the truth."

jack shrugged. "i'm gonna go with whatever she says. i'm pau's friend not yours" he added.

"exactly. her friend. you'll never be more than that" i shot at him.

"i'll drive" i insisted. i unlocked the car and went to open the door for pau. she climbed in and i took the liberty to buckle her in and all. i felt jacks eyes stare holes in the back of my head. he can kiss my ass.

from there, we were on our way to the ultrasound clinic. not gonna lie, being in a car with pau since the accident made me extremely nervous. it gave me flashbacks.

"oakley-" pau spoke, which made me jump. i looked at pau briefly almost in panic. "what's up?" i answered. "have you seen my phone? i haven't seen it since i woke up from the coma..."

now that i think about it. i haven't seen it since they impounded the car in that night. fuck, it was probably still in there. or long gone by now.

"no i haven't seen it..." i said lowly. "my doctor said i could go through it to help jog my memory. that's unfortunate we have no idea where it is" paulina sighed.

within minutes, i turned into the clinic parking lot. i parked and went to open the door for pau. "thank you oakley" paulina looked up at me. "of course" i replied with a smile.

i glanced to the side and saw jack walking on the other side of her. it bothered me so much that he was here.

we entered the clinic. "hi, i have an appointment under paulina sanchez" pau told the receptionist. "got you! have a seat we'll get you situated in a bit" the receptionist smiled. we did as the receptionist was told.

i was very anxious to find out whether or not we'd be having a girl or a boy. what makes me feel worse is that i wouldn't be able to express my reaction like i would've if pau had her memory.

my leg bounced up in anxiety and my teeth tugged on my finger nail. "you okay?" paulina asked, placing her hand on my knee. i gulped. "y-yeah" i managed to mutter.

within minutes, pau's name was called. jack and i both stood up. i lent out my hand for pau to take and she softly placed her hand in mine. here goes nothing.

all three of us entered one room. paulina sat on the long chair beside a monitor. "ms. sanchez long time no see!" the ultrasound tech greeted pau. "and hello to the father as well!" she shook my hand. i offered a polite smile.

paulina lifted up her shirt to reveal her beautiful baby bump. the ultrasound tech rubbed some jelly on pau.

"before we get to see the baby, i want to mention that paulina and i were in a critical accident a few weeks back, so any abnormal findings we see today are crucial to note" i said.

i didn't mean to make the energy too serious, but this was my son or daughter in there. i needed to mention at least something about the accident. the ultrasound tech nodded, "i understand. sorry to hear about the accident."

"yeah, thankfully paulina is alright tho" jack spoke up, softly grabbing her hand. i death glared him and rolled my eyes. "oh, you too, cench" jack added. fucking prick.

within the minute, the baby appeared on the monitor beside paulina and the ultrasound tech. seeing him or her move around never fails to bring a smile to my face. paulina's eyes lit up, "wow..." she whispered.

someones phone began to ring. "oh, i gotta take this-" jack said as he stepped out of the room. finally. the ultrasound tech moved the remote around just a bit more. "congratulations..."

"it's a boy!"


a/n: hi guys!! i hope everyones been well. ik y'all noticed i put "on hold" in the story's title. tho it's on hold, the story is coming to an end soon. just waiting to end it on a good note. thanks to everyone for supporting this story through it's crazy plot twists and all!! <333

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