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paulina's pov

my body collided onto the floor but i caught myself, so my side broke my fall. immediately, my face scrunched in pain and i cupped the side my face. my vision was dark and i was disoriented. i quite literally saw stars. aside from that, i could hear jack and oakley bickering above me.

"you fucking dick, i can't believe you hit her!" a british accent shouted. oak crouched down to meet me on the floor and tried to help me stand. "i was trying to get your bitch ass, not her!" jack replied, voice getting louder. i managed to stand up.

"paulina, i'm so sorry" jack apologized, stepping closer to me.

"jack, i think it's best if you just go" i said, still cupping my face in pain. jack stayed quiet. oakley looked down at me, "you alright pau?" oak asked. he wrapped his arm around me and held me tighter.

"i'll text you" jack muttered before walking out. oak rolled his eyes. i'm honestly kinda surprised oak didn't try swinging at him. oak locked the front door and quickly went to the fridge.

he grabbed a semi-frozen water bottle from the freezer and handed it to me. i pouted. "thanks" i said before placing it on the side of my face that jack single handedly punched. this whole situation was just too funny to me.

i sat down on the kitchen island and grabbed my phone. the room fell into silence. i don't think either of us knew what to say. "do you want me to go kick his ass for hurtin' you?" oak walked closer to me. i let out a small laugh. "'cos you know i would" he added.

"no oakley" i said. "and i know you would" i lightly pushed him playfully. oak cracked a small smile. i removed the water bottle and opened my phone camera to check out the swelling. i winced at the sight of how purple it was becoming.

"how do i look?" i looked up at oak. he put his hands on each side of my legs, almost trapping me in front of him. "i'm probably not the best person to ask, you look just as beautiful as you always have."

bruh, can he not. i rolled my eyes. "you're funny" i said, not taking him serious. "i mean it" oak insisted. he plopped himself on the kitchen counter beside me. i looked down at the water bottle in my hands. oak grabbed my free hand and intertwined our fingers.

i felt like he was just trying to butter me up for something. but i knew i can't just give him another chance so easy. and i knew what i was about to do was going to hurt me. but it had to be done.

"oakley..." i said. "hm?" he answered.

"i know you want to try to make things work again..." i continued.

"yeah?" oak looked at me. his voice was high, almost in excitement.

"and i'm willing to..." i said. he stayed quiet.

"but... not until you're sure you've fixed your commitment issues" i added. i looked at him. his expression was blank, but his eyes were low. "and i don't know when that will be, so until then, i think it's best we don't continue this" i said. i let out a deep breath.

"pau.." he said. his eyes saddened. it broke everything inside me. the love i have for this man will never run out. i bit my lip, trying my hardest not to cry.

"uhh... i respect your decision" oakley said. "so after tonight, i guess this is goodbye then?" he asked. i nodded my head, "i guess so."

we moved to the couches and put on a movie. we didn't talk for a while. it hurt so much knowing that we wouldn't be together, but i couldn't put myself in a situation where i'd potentially be hurt even more.

oakley's pov

"but... not until you're sure you've fixed your commitment issues" pau said.

wow. it's not like i'd never fix them, especially for pau. the way she said that made me think she thought i was never going to fix them. like i was some lost cause.

i had no other choice but to comply with what she was saying. if space is what she wants, i guess i have to give her that. i'd do anything for us just to go back to the way it was.

"pau.." i managed to say. tears stung my eyes. i shook my head. "uhh, i respect your decision" i told her. "so after tonight, i guess this is goodbye then?" i asked. pau nodded her head, "i guess so."

my heart stung. alright. i hopped off the counter. i reached my hand to help pau off of it too. "wanna go watch a movie?" i asked her. she nodded her head and we walked to the living area.

we flicked on the notebook on the telly and we both laid on the couch. it was quiet, until i broke the silence.

"i feel so lucky that i met you..." i said. pau raised an eyebrow, "why?" she asked. "i think that we shared so many great memories together, you know?" i leaned more into the couch. "yeah.. you really had me flying across the world like every weekend" pau laughed.

"that was because i didn't like being without you for so long" i said a bit more impulsive than wanted. "...and i never felt like i had to pretend around you" i added.

staying quiet, paulina grabbed my hand and held it in hers. she leaned her head onto my shoulder. for a second, i felt like everything would be okay. our eyes fixed on the movie in front of us.

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday."

from the corner of my eye, i saw a tear escape down pau's cheek. she wiped it away with her sleeve. i felt so incredibly guilty for fucking everything up with one drunken night only a few nights before.

now i have to live with being just friends with the woman i love. with a woman who was willing to love me unconditionally. after this night, i don't know when i'd see her again.

that's what hurt me the most in the moment.

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