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paulina's pov

"hello paulina, it's jack, remember me?" a tall, dirty blonde man spoke as he entered my room. he had a bouquet of flowers in hand. 

this was the supposed to be the father of my baby, right? i shivered.

"hi jack. how could i forget you?" i replied with a polite grin. i lied. i still don't even remember much. jack placed the bouquet on the bedside table. 

"i heard you'll be getting discharged tomorrow. you excited?" he leaned in to hug me. i hugged back. i nodded, "absolutely."

"why'd they keep you so long? i mean cench seemed fine after what happened" jack questioned. who's cench? and why wouldn't he be fine? my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "cench..." i echoed.

"oakley" jack clarified. oh, my online friend. "well they kept me for this long because i was in a coma for about a week or so. and the doctor said i had woken up with amnesia" i stated.

jack's expression shifted from calm to smug. "amnesia huh?" he leaned back in the chair. i nodded in affirmation. i began to feel restless in the hospital bed. "wanna come with me for a stroll around the unit? i've been feeling so bored in here" i said, beginning to get up.

"it'd be my pleasure" jack smirked. he helped me out of bed, and i stood firmly on the cold hospital floor and slid on some chanclas. i asked the nurse permission to walk around and she happily permitted it.

there i was walking around the hospital floor with jack. my hand rested below my belly, almost supporting my baby bump that was well beyond forming.

jack noticed and smiled down at me. "how far along are you?" he asked me. i stopped in my tracks. i frowned upon realizing i had forgotten how many weeks i am. 

"i have my first ultrasound since the accident tomorrow morning actually, so i will definitely find out then" i answered. jack positioned himself to the height of my belly and placed both hands on it. 

"you're coming right?" i invited. "yeah, sure" jack grinned. 

"well you are the father"

"i'm the what"

oof. did i get that wrong too? "sorry it's just-- i still don't remember a lot of things yet" i said trying to ease the now awkward tension. jack let out a chuckle. "well that's one thing you remember correctly."

jack left after about 20 minutes. it felt good to see him, i guess. "ms. sanchez, how has your memory been so far?" dr. graham interrupted my thought. 

"hi dr. graham" i greeted. "and some days are better than others."

"just as i have predicted. well, i have decided to permit you to go through your phone and personal belongings once you are discharged. i have set another appointment to see you again in 2 weeks" he said. 

my phone. finally. i haven't looked through my own damn phone in forever. i knew for sure i could remember things once i got my hands on it.

wait, where is my phone? i realized haven't seen it the entire time i've been here. before i could ask the doctor, he left. sure enough i was all alone again in my sad ass hospital room. 

the next day, i was discharged from the hospital. my mother helped me into her car and i sat in the passenger seat. i watched as we left the hospital and onto the road. i was so excited to go home again.

 i knew i had another appointment for my ultrasound later today. i was excited for that too. 

once we got to my house, i carefully walked inside. the air of my home filled my lungs as i took a deep breath. 


 "so this is the crib" i joked. "i can see that" he replied. "so you gonna give me a tour or what?" he crossed his arms with a smirk.


i tried so hard to cling onto whatever memory that was, but it faded within milliseconds. i shook my head. i know more things will come to mind the longer i'm here. i just need to remember. 

before anything else, i took myself into the shower. i terribly needed a proper shower. it felt like i haven't had one in forever. i twisted the knob, and the warm water fell onto my body. i savored every drop.

after finishing up, i grabbed my towel and headed into my bedroom. i shut the door behind me and looked through my drawers to find something to wear. 

i looked at the little things that were sitting on my dresser. perfumes... lotions... my eyes stopped at a small picture i had taped onto my mirror. 

it was a picture of me and oakley. we were sitting together, dressed up for some type of event.  i must've forgotten how close we were. looking at oakley made my heart flutter. he's kinda fine...

i put the picture back and finished getting ready. "paulina! you have a visitor!" i heard my mom shout from the living room. i jogged into the living room and not gonna lie i was disappointed with who was actually here. 

"jack" i muttered. i went to give jack a friendly side hug and he hugged me harder than expected. "expecting someone else or what?" he smirked. you could say that again. why was i lowkey hoping it was oakley?

"i-i was just about to leave for my ultrasound appointment" i stated. "yeah, i was hoping i could still come along" jack grinned, revealing his car keys in hand. before i could reply, the doorbell rang. 

my mom looked at me, "i'll get it." i looked at jack and shrugged. "i wouldn't mind" i tried being as polite as possible. at this point, i was actually getting the feeling jack wasn't who i thought he was.

"hi adrienne, the doctor said pau was coming home today--" a familiar british accent said from the front door. "yes oakley! come right in." 

my tummy began swarming with butterflies and my heart felt like it skipped a beat. oakley was here. Oakley's eyes fell upon me and jack standing near each other and his face dropped. 

"pau..." oak approached me. he ignored the man standing beside me and swept me into a passionate hug. i couldn't help but smile. oak put me down but didn't break the hug, "i missed you pau..."

i suddenly felt little flutters in my belly and i pulled away from the hug. "i t-think the baby is kicking..." i said as i placed my hand on the spot where i felt the movement. this felt so weird but i loved it.

without thinking, i grabbed oaks hand and placed it there too. we both looked at each other. i bit my lip. 

"um..." i trailed. "did you want to come with me for my appointment? we were going to go and find the gender today" i invited oakley. "y-you really want me to come?" oakley's eyes lit up with stars. i nodded. 

oakley turned around and looked at jack. "is he going?" oakley asked. jack offered a smug smirk and crossed his arms. "that's up to pau" jack said. everyones head turned to me. 

why did i feel like this situation has happened to me before?


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