Yoongi chuckled a little and caressed Sohee's tummy and spoke, "Baby your mumma is lying. I am not a brat... she is a brat." "Yahhh! Kim Yoongi.... what you just said huh?", said Sohee dramatically. "Nothing nothing", said Yoongi. "Come on lets go... me and my baby is hungry", said Sohee. Yoongi just nodded his head and they both went out of the office room.

They went to the dining area and settled down. "Where is Jimin?", asked Yoongi. "He already left for his office an hour ago", said Sohee. Yoongi just hummed. The maids set the food on the table. Sohee then spoke, "Come on Yoon... lets eat." Yoongi didn't feel like eating but still he picked up the chopsticks to eat and took one bite. Sohee also started eating. After two or three bites, Yoongi couldn't eat more. He put down the chopsticks and spoke, "I am done. I am going to the office."

Sohee spoke, "You haven't eaten anything Yoon. Please eat a little more and take rest for sometime." Yoongi stood up from the chair and said, "I am full. I am leaving. You eat properly and take care." After saying this, he immediately left from there.

At Tae's apartment

Jungkook came out of his room and was going towards the maindoor. He halted in his steps when he heard Tae saying, "Where are you going?" Jungkook sighed and turned around and found Tae sitting on the sofa. Jungkook spoke being frustated, "Can't I go anywhere now? Do I have to stay in my room only?"

Tae got up from the couch and said, "I didn't said that. I am just asking." "I am going outside", said Jungkook and turned around to leave. "I asked where are you going? How many times do I need to repeat myself?", said Tae strenly. Jungkook answered this time, "I am going to my cafe. I am already late." "How will you go? Do you have your bike or car?", asked Tae.

"I will take the bus", said Jungkook. "Come I will drop you", said Tae while picking up his car keys. Jungkook looked at Tae and said in a little loud voice, "I said I will take the bus. I can go by myself and don't you have to go to your office?"

"Stop being dramatic Jungkook. And I will go after dropping you at the cafe", said Tae while taking his steps towards the maindoor. "You are being dramatic not me. I will not run away somewhere and see my phone is on. You can track me easily with Jimin hyung's help. What else you want me to do? It will be better if you keeps me here only. Yes... do that...... what are you waiting for.... lock me here in your precious apartment away from the mansion and-----------", said Jungkook but was cut-off in between when Tae slapped him hard.

Jungkook looked at Tae with teary eyes. Tae spoke, "I told you not to talk about the mansion. Can't you understand at once, huh?" Jungkook didn't said anything just looked away holding back his tears. "Lets go now and don't you dare to go somewhere else. Come back straight to the apartment. Okay?", asked Tae. Jungkook was still not saying anything.

Tae sighed and caressed Jungkook's cheek and said softly, "I am sorry Kook. I was just frustated. I promise you Kook that I will always be by your side, hmm. I will never leave you alone." Jungkook said, "Hyung... I know that. I know that you can't leave me alone." After Jungkook said that, there was complete silence. Jungkook spoke again, "Are you angry with Yoongi hyung because he abondoned me?" Tae didn't said anything but clenched his jaw in anger. Jungkook said, "I did wrong hyung and he was just angry with me but he can't stay angry for long. I am--------".

He was cut-off by Tae in between who said, "I am getting late Jungkook. Come fast." Then he went towards the maindoor to leave. Jungkook sighed and mumbled, "He is not at all listening to me."

Time skips, evening time

It was pretty late and Yoongi was in his cabin working non-stop since morning. Then the cabin's door knocked and Hobi entered in and spoke, "Lets go home now. Its late." "You go... I will leave in some time", said Yoongi still concentrated on his laptop screen. Hoseok went near him and said, "Yoongi-ah.... take some rest. You are just working non-stop since morning even without eating anything."

"I am fine. You can go", said Yoongi. Hobi sighed and said, "You want me to call Jin hyung?" Yoongi didn't said anything. Hobi said, "You didn't left me any another choice." Then he dialled Jin's number and put the phone on speaker.

After a few rings, Jin picked up the call and asked, "Yeah Hobi? What happened?" "Hyung... your Yoongi is not ready to take rest or to eat something. Ask him to go back home now and take some rest", said Hobi. Jin spoke, "Yoongi-ah what I am listening huh? Get back home right now." Yoongi sighed and then glared at Hobi and then spoke, "I am fine hyung and there is some urgent work which I-------".

He was cut-off by Hobi in between who spoke, "Hyung there nothing urgent. He is lying." Yoongi glared at Hobi. Jin scolded Yoongi, "What is this Yoongi-ah? Are you a kid whom I need to ask to get back home, hmm? If you didn't get your ass back to the mansion in next thirty minutes then no one will be worse than me." Yoongi sighed and said in a low voice, "Hyung you know everything then why you are asking me to go back. I don't wanna go back there."

"I know Yoongi-ah you don't want to go back there but Sohee is waiting for there. Sohee and Jimin are there. You should go", said Jin softly. Yoongi sighed and said after a few seconds, "Okay hyung... I am leaving." "Good", said Jin and cut the call.

On the other hand, Jungkook entered the apartment and closed the door behind. He changed into slippers and get inside. He saw Tae sitting on the dining table with his eyes closed. He spoke gaining his attention, "Hyung!" Tae opened his eyes and said, "Ah, you came. Why are you late?" "There were many customers in the cafe today", said Jungkook.

"Hmm... come and have you dinner", said Tae. "You have it hyung. I..  I a-already ate at the cafe", said Jungkook avoiding eye contact with Tae. Tae stood up from the chair and went towards Jungkook and made him look at himself and said, "I know you. Don't lie. Sit and eat your dinner without any tantrums. I am in no mood to handle your tantrums right now."

Jungkook didn't said anything and went towards the dining table and settled down. He asked Tae, "Are you not eating?" Tae didn't answered to him and picked up his laptop and said, "Finish your dinner. I don't want to see any of the food left. If I found out that you didn't ate your dinner properly, then it will not be good for you Jungkook."

"H-hyung I don't feel like eati-------", said Jungkook but was cut-off by Taehyung in between who spoke, "I don't want to scold you Jungkook. So eat your dinner and then sleep. Okay?" Jungkook just mumbled a small okay. Then Tae left and went to his room.

After Tae left, Jungkook sighed and picked up the chopsticks and started eating but he couldn't eat anything after two or three bites. He put the chopsticks down and stood up and put all the food in the refrigrator. He closed the refrigrator door and mumbled, "I know you too didn't ate anything Tae hyung. I think Yoongi hyung too."

Then he went to his room while mumbling, "Get ready for a good scolding Kim Jungkook."

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