Vex: (Turns to the Ice Emperor.) Behold their treachery. One moment they speak of friendship, and the next, they try to steal your scepter. (One of the Warriors pokes Lloyd and Coral cautiously.) Allow me to destroy them, my Lord!

Ice Emperor: (Narrows his eyes slightly.) Lock them in the dungeon.

Vex: But, my Lord!

Ice Emperor: You heard me! (He slams his scepter down.)

Vex: You heard the Emperor. (He points at Lloyd and Coral.) To the dungeon with them! (The Blizzard Warriors drag Lloyd and Coral off. Vex is still upset with the Ice Emperor's decision and Grimfax is reflecting on everything that happened.)

(Cole, Jay, Kai, Izzy, Nya, and Krag are walking through the snow. Krag sniffs and growls softly.)

Cole: (Turns to Krag.) Krag? What's wrong?

Nya: I think he smells something.

Jay: (Checks his armpits.) Like what? (They hear a growl and turn around to a pack of Frost  Wolves.) Not these guys again! (Krag growls, preparing to attack the Frost Wolves.)

Cole: Krag, don't! There's too many.

Nya: What do we do?

Jay: Stay calm. Do exactly what I do. (Grins.) On three. One. (The others prepare themselves to fight.) Two. Three! (He turns around and runs away from the wolves, as the others look at each other, confused, before following his lead. The Frost Wolves start chasing the four ninja, one Anacondrai, and Krag.)

Kai: (Runs up to Jay.) That was your whole plan?!

Izzy: Better than being mauled in my opinion! 

Nya: Where are we even running?

Jay: Somewhere safe I assume! 

Cole: (Points to the Land Bounty.) I... There! Look!

Nya: The Land Bounty! (Krag jumps past the ninja and opens the door and the ninja dash in. The Frost Wolves run toward the Land Bounty, while Krag enters it.)

Kai: Ha! Not this time, guys! (He presses the button to close the door, but it doesn't work. He presses it multiple times, but the doors don't close. Krag starts to close the Bounty's door, but it doesn't close fast enough. Nya grabs a fire extinguisher and throws it outside.)

Nya: (To Jay.) Zap it! (Jay electrifies the extinguisher and it explodes, startling the Frost Wolves. The Wolves scatter and they all sigh, relieved.)

Kai: That won't scare them off for long.

Nya: Better get this tub of bolts working again. Fast!

(Lloyd wakes up in a cell, groaning. He stands up, looks at shackles of ice around his hands, and tugs on them. He realizes Coral is not there.)

Lloyd: Where's Coral? 

Prisoner: Are you awake, my friend?

Lloyd: Yes. Who are you? (He walks to the doors.)

Prisoner: A prisoner, like you. What is your name?

Lloyd: Lloyd.

Prisoner: Welcome to the Ice Emperor's dungeon, Lloyd. I am Kataru.

Lloyd: Kataru? Akita's brother? The bear?

Kataru: (He stands up.) How do you know that?

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