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It's the next day. I'm woken up by a phone call. We arrived in hawaii last night. The flight to here was unbelievable.

As we landed here last night michael wouldn't stop bothering me. My team kept constantly calling and texting me. I didn't have time to read em' because me and juan came straight to sleep.

I groan out of bed reaching for my phone on the nightstand. I look at the at caller ID to see dion calling me. I up from the bed walking out of the bedroom quietly. I walk into the living room sitting on the couch.

"Hello?" I said with a raspy voice. "Alex? Hello? Where are you?" He asks frustrated.

I laugh a bit "What do you mean where am i? I'm in hawaii remember?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"HAWAII?! Why didn't you let me know. I would've Rescheduled everything on your schedule." He yelled out as my eyes widen.

"Dion. What do you mean? I sent you an email to reschedule everything to next week." I place my palm onto my forehead.

"You never emailed me anything alex." He said confused. I confused expression spreads on my face

"Dion yes I did I emailed you a letter saying I was gonna be gone for the next three days." I sighed frustratedly. "What do you mean you didn't get an email?"

"Are you sure you sent it to me. I don't see anything in my mail from you." He says as I place him on speaker.

I go onto my computer to open gmail to see that I never sent it. "Fucking hell" I curse under my breath. I see the note in my drafts.

"Alex?" he calls my name out, as I sighed.

"Do you see it now?" I asked sarcastically, sending the letter. He sighs in frustration. "Alex todays is-"

"Mama?" Juan walks out of the bed room. "Is everything okay" I glance at him.

"I'll call you back dion." I said hanging up the phone not wanting to hear anything he says. I nod my head.

"Yes everything is fine." I walk up to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Was it work.Are you sure everything is okay?" He asked unsure as I nod.

"No it wasn't work." I lied.

I don't want to tell him it was work because before we arrived her I promised him that my job wouldn't get in the way of our trip. And plus I didn't wanna worry him.

He wraps his arms around my waist giving me a kiss. He exhales in relief. "Good you tryna come work out with me?" He asked, I nod my head.


We're on the road right now and I'm currently texting dion to reschedule the meeting that was today. Today was supposed to be the meeting for my upcoming tour.

I wanted to reschedule it again to next week to spend the this week with Juan. This meeting was supposed to happen last week but I rescheduled it again because of the slam dunk contest.

And plus I wanted us to have time alone before we lock in with work.

"Alex." I snap out of my thoughts and the distractions from my phone. "Are you listening to me?"

I shake my head "I'm sorry baby what was it?" I asked, he shakes his head. "Nevermind." he gives up.

I thought nothing out of it so i went back on my phone texting dion. I know I promised Juan about work being on this trip. But they won't stop until I clear everything up with my team.

𝑀𝐼 𝐴𝑀𝑂𝑅 ~ JUAN TOSCANO-ANDERSONWhere stories live. Discover now