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It's the next day and me and the girls decide to go out for lunch.Since the guys have practice today.

I'm not gonna lie my legs are sore as hell. After we took a shower we did a round 2.

Crazy right?

I'm waiting for sydel and ayesha to pick me up since my car is getting fixed. I'm cleaning my house before I leave.


That's what mama poole said to me and jordan back then and Jordan still don't follow that rule.

As I finish sweeping I hear my phone ring in the counter. I walk to the kitchen island grabbing my phone and answering it.

"Hello?" I answer

"We outside girly" Sydel yells through the phone.

"Alright alright i'm comin out."

I walk out trying not to limp. I see sydel giving me a confused face. She rolls down her window.

"You good?" She says and I nod and enter in the car.

"alright ladies let's go"


We arrived at a restaurant and I see the rest of the girls waiting outside. "Hello ladies" I say give them each a hug.

"Hey alex" They say in unison

We walked in, payed and walked to a table.

"So what are we doing today ?" Mychal asked

"After this we should go get our nails done my nails be looking crappy." Sydel says and me and esh shake our heads.

"I already had my nails done" I say. "Same"

"Alright then what should we do after this?" Hazel says. "Massage?" I say as the nods their head.

"Yes!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Oh and after that we can go to the studio? I've have some stuff to work on." I say as they nod their head.

"Yas I've always wanted to see a studio" Ayesha say and sydel laughs.

"No you didn't" She says we all burst out laughing.

"You right" Ayesha says. We see a waitress coming to our table.

"Hello and welcome ladies you ready to order ?" She says and we all nod.

"Alright what can I get ya?" she says grabbing her note pad and pen

"Do y'all have wings?"


We're walking out the restaurant and i'm having struggle walking. Ayesha peeks over checking if i'm good.

"Alex?" She says and I look at her. "Hm?"

"Are you okay? You've been walking like your water broke." she says raising her eyebrows.

I fake laugh "What are you talking about" I say.

"You know, now that I notice you've been walking like that ever since we picked you up. are you okay?" Sydel says and all the girls turns and look at me.


"My legs are hurting that's why. Nothing serious come on let's go" I say trying to walk normal but it ain't helping.

My legs are killing me.

Juan, you fucking monster.

I hear mychal gasp loudly and we all turn our heads to her. "Y'all fucked didn't y'all?" She says.

The rest of the girls instantly turn their heads at me with widen eyes.

"That's between me and Juan girls." I say laughing.

"She's right it's not our business" Ayesha says and they nod agreeing.

I laugh walking in to the car.

"It maybe your business but just know I know y'all fucked." Mychal says closing her door.

I playfully roll my eyes and flip her off jokingly. She rolls down her windows "I love you too alex!" she yells.

We all laugh and drive off.


The girls left the studio and it's just me. I told ayesha and sydel I will get a ride from Juan after practice.

I'm in the studio listen to music from back then. I lit up candles and saw a cigarette pack on the couch so I grabbed it and smoked.

I sigh and looked around the studio. I look around and smile. I had a thought of my parents so I started to tear up.

I turn the music down and stared at the ceiling.

"You know mom and dad it's actually crazy how fast I got here. I like it here, I like here so bad. But Milwaukee will always be my home. These past few months i've met more and more people who've i became close to.

But I met this one guy who I've become even more closer to. I never really talked about him to you guys. This is actually the first time. But his name..." I paused smiling.

"His name is Juan." I explained

"He is very lovable, funny, sweet and kind. He is also a gentleman. He holds the doors for me every time, he always lets me go first, and he gets me flowers. and I love that about a man.

He's never let me pay for the things I want to pay. That's how much of a gentleman he is. He shows me love and affection. And I Love that." I explained

"I wish you guys were here. I wish you were here to meet Juan and to see what I'm about to accomplish." I sigh.

As i'm about to turn my head I felt wind blown past by me.

Then the candles sticks lits out and lit back on . I snap my head and turn to the candle sticks.

"What the hell?" I say frighten.

I walk up to the candles stick and feel hands on my shoulders. I close my eyes and hear someone whispering.

"We're here baby. We're here and watching you accomplish something good." I hear a lady voice.

"Oh my goodness" I tear up

I then hear a knock on the door. "Amor?" Juan says.

I open my eyes to see the candles lits out. I smile and wipe my tears and turned around.

"You good amor?" He says walking up to me. He cups my face and I smile and nod my head.

"I'm great" I say and he smiles kisses my me.

"Are you sure?" he ask I nod my head smiling "Okay"

"So where we going your crib or my crib?" He asks wrapping his arms around my neck as we walk out.

"My crib"

𝑀𝐼 𝐴𝑀𝑂𝑅 ~ JUAN TOSCANO-ANDERSONWhere stories live. Discover now