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I walk out from backstage and wave at the crowd and smiles. I walk up to jimmy and hug him.

"Hii Hii please sit please" Jimmy says and i sit down

"Hello miss alex" He says "Hello" I say and smile and the audience just starts cheering

"Thank you for joining us tonight." He says and I smile "Thank you for inviting me Jimmy"

"Alright so I wanna ask you this." He says and I nod my head "Go ahead jimmy"

"How does it feel to have a hit album?" He asks me

"It feels really great. I honestly feel blessed. I've worked so hard for this. If it wasn't for my family I would've given up but i didn't." I say and the audience claps.

"So why did you feel like singing ?" He asks the next question

"Because of my mom. She is the reason why I sing." I say and he nods his head.

"Before my mom had passed away there would be videos of her singing to me and rubbing her belly. And those videos would always make me cry.

My mom was a beautiful singer. She is one of the reason why I never gave up singing." I say and the audience claps again

"wait what was another reason why you never gave up singing?" Jimmy says

"My dad, He knew that singing was for me. He would cry when I would sing around him. He had passed away when I turned 15. He had always told me

"Even though life gets hard don't ever give up" and ever since i have never given up yet. My parents are the two reason why I never gave up singing." I say and the audience claps

"This is why I love alex ladies and gentlemen. She has never given up. May you parents rest in and peace alex." He says and the audience claps

"Thank you jimmy" I say smiling

"Alright so i've seen a lot of pictures of you and Juan toscano anderson together." he say.

I place my hand on my forehead and shake my head "Oh lord" I say and jimmy laughs

"And people have been saying that you too are dating but I wanna ask you if it's true? Are you and juan toscano Anderson dating?" He says and the audience says "ooooooooo"

"No we are not dating" I say and the audience emotions changed

not yet

The audience and jimmy says "Awww"

"no we are not dating we're best friends" I say and jimmy interrupts me

"yea more than friends "Jimmy says and i don't say anything because me and juan are friends but more than friends.

"AH! you didn't say anything. Y'all saw that" He says and the audience cheered

I swear I think I heard Jordan screaming from the audience.


Times skips

"Alright thank you for coming tonight Alex" Jimmy says "well thank you for having me" I say and the audience cheers.

"Ladies and Gentelmen Alexandira Poole" He says and the crowd cheers. We both get out of out seats and hug eachother.

"Thank you for coming out alex" He says mumbling in myear as the audience continues to cheer.

"No thank you Jimmy" I sayand we break the hug "Don't mention" he says and smile.

I walk away from jimmy and say good bye to him. As I walked to the backstage I wave at the audience. I noticed A familar face he looked just like Juan.

We made eye contacs but he broke the eye contact really fast. Him and this other guy had both ran out of the building really fast.

I just ignored and justwaved and smile. I enterned in backstage and Mike, Micahel, Will and Jada had ran up to me and hugged me and screamed really loud. We all then broke the hug.

Will congratulated me and walked away quick.


"YOU DID IT!!!!" Micahel say and I shake my head no. "no micahel WE DID IT" I said screaming and hugging him.

"Thank you so much Micahel thank you for all fo this" I say truthfully

"No alex you did this to yourself. You worked hard to get this and now you have. You know I never called jimmy right? He actually the one who called me to put you on this show." he says and I was shocked

I honestly knew to be honest.

Everyone looks at me and stops smiling. They look at me and smirks at me. I look at them weird and confused.

"umm why the hell yall looking at me like that?" I say confused.

"Remember when I was talking to you about the surprise" Michael says and I nod and they pointed at someone behind me.

I turn around and see the man I made eye contact with. And I was right it was Juan. I smacked my hand onto my mouth.

He was holding Hydrangeas. He had a basket full of fruits and snacks. He was also dressed well.

ooo where he going ?

"Hi amor" He said smiling and waved at me. I walked up to him and grabbed the floweres from him.

"Hi juanito" I say to him and smile. We stared at each other like hawks.

"Congratulation alex i'm so proud of you." He says and "Thank you" I say smiling he drops the basket and hugs me. I then hug him back.

I feel so safe in his arms I love it. As we're hugging he whispers in my ear.

"C'mon amor I have a surprise for you tonight. We gotta go now though will is waiting outside." He said and I nod

He gives the basket to Jordan. I was gonna give him the flowers too but juan stopped me "No, Hold on to that we need that." He says and I nod

"Good luck twin you got this." Jordan says to Juan and the both shook each others hands.

"Wish me luck yall" He says pulling the both of us out of the building

"Juan good luck on what?" I asked as we speed walked. "Juan slow down good luck on what ?" I asked again

"You'll see amor trust me"

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