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Me and juan are outside of the building. As we're speed walking he stops me.

"wait alex, I have something for you." He says and I smile. He goes into his pocket and pulls out a bandana.

"umm what is this for?" I asked and he smirked at me. "Juan wipe that smrik off you face, what is this for ?" I asked again

"Turn around alex." He says and turns me around himself. "Im going to cover you eyes because I don't want you to see the surprise through the window." He says and I stop him

"No juan, what if you take me to a scary place and prank me or what if-" I say and he interrupts me

"Amor do you trust me?" he says and I nod my head lightly "Then calm down alex, Im telling you your gonna love this surprise alex trust me"

I nod my head and let him wrap the bandana around my head. We entered in the car and left.

As were driving Juan pulls me away from the window. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.


28 minutes later

"Juan how far is this trip?" I asked and the cars stops just in time "What do you mean amor we're here" He says and the car doors opens

"Gimme your right hand alex" He says and I try to find his hands and he grabs and holds my hand. He then lets go of my hand.

"Juan why did you let go of my hand ?" I asked "Can I take off your shoes for this?" He says and I nod my head

I trust Juan, So i let him take off my shoes. He finished taking off my shoes then grabs my hand.

"Alright amor right foot first and then left foot." He says. I put my right foot on the ground and I feel sand. I smile then out my left foot on the ground.

"Can now let's go" He says then shuts the door and we walk away from the car.

We're definitely on the beach. I hear birds chirping, I feel sand, I hear the waves flowing. He leading me to somewhere.

He stops us from walking any further. "Alright so alex you ready?" He asks me and I nod my head. He takes off the bandanna of my head.

"Oh. My. God" I say very shocked. (pic up at the top)
"Juan you did not" I say trying not to cry

"Yes I did"He says and turns me around

"alex, I'm sorry for taking this long to ask but, Alex would you like to go on a date with me?" He says


"I mean we're already here so??....Im just kidding juan I would love to go on a date with you" I say and he smiles

We walked down to the table and he pulls the chair out for me. I sit down and push the chair forward myself.

"thank you" I say and he nods and walks to the other side of the table. He sits down and then it got quiet.

"Juan this is really beautilful I love it honestly" I say breaking the quietness

"Im glad you love it because I thougth you'd hate it" He says and I looked at him confuesd.

"Juan why would I hate this? This is to beautiful" I say looking at the lights, the roses on the floor and the candles.

"Jordan said this wasn't your type of thing so I doubted myself." He says looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean by this isn't my type of thing?"

"Well, when I finished decorating this I thought I did great but then jordan said that you didn't like beach dates. He said that you hated sand and that you hated the sound of waves. And then he said that yo-" He says and I interupt him

"Juan have I ever told you I didn't like sand or the sound of waves?" I asked him sternly


"Then why the hell would you believe jordan?" i asked him seriously

"well I thought it's was true because he sounded pretty serious about it" he says and I sigh and look at him.

"Juan don't let people tell you what I said if you didn't hear it from me. Okay ?" I said and he nods his head

"I love this Juan Tosacano Anderson. It is beautiful I love it." I say to truthfully and trying to make him be proud of himself

"really?" he says

"nah I don't like it, Im just kdding of course I do. Juan I love it so much." I say and he smiles brightly

"Now remind me to beat Jordans ass." I say and he nods his head "yes ma'am" He says

"are you hungry?" He aks me and I nod my head.

He turns around and whistle. There are two waiters holding 4 plates. Then another one comes with a speaker on their hand.

The Two waiters place the plates on the table while the other waiter plays the music on the speaker.

"I'll be back with the drinks" The waiters says and leaves.

I open the plates and the food looks the delicous. "Oh my goddd I am so hungry" I say

"But before we eat juanito let say our prayer" I say "Let me say our prayers" Juan says and I nod and smile.

We held our hands together, Closed our eyes, and looked down.

"Thank you lord for this blessed day. Thank you the hard work you've done. Please forgive us lord for bad actions we've have done to ourselves. Thank you for watching over us and and protecting us. Thank you for this lovely lady in front of me. and Thank you for this lovely food. In jesus name we say..." He says and we both say "Amen."

"Now let's EAT!" Juan says and starts eating and I laugh and start eating too.

The waiter then comes with our drinks and we drink and eat in peace.


Time skips

Me and Juan finished eating and we then started talking. We talked about what we want in the future and other stuff. We danced, we sang, and we went by the ocean. Right now Juan brought up my type of guys.

"Alex whats your type?" He says while i'm drinking a sip of my water "my type what do you mean?" I asked

"Like what type of guys do you like or prefer?" He says and I'm just thinking.

Your my type.

"Hmmm Imma be honest I don't really have a type. I just want a man with a good heart you know?" I say and he nods "I respect that" He says and i nod my head.

"Whats your type?" I asked taking a sip of my drink

It got quiet but when he told me his type I instantly chocked on my water.

"Your my type alex" He says and I choke on my water

"I'm your what?" I say coughing and he gets out of his chairs and picks me up from the chair. He grabs my hand and we walk away from the table.

He turns me around and looks at me. "Juan is everything alright?" I asked because he looks scared

"Alex I've been waiting to ask you this. Ever since I've laid eyes on you I instantly had feelings for you. You make me feel myself every time. We've been friends for a long time now. We hang out a lot. And I mean a lot.

You make me smile every single day. And i love it. It took me a while to think about it and I think today is the day to ask you this because I can't wait much longer." He says and pulls me closer to him

As he pulls me closer to him we both stare at each other. "Ask me what Juan?"I asked him

"Alexandria Poole would like to be my girlfriend?"

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