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I walked outside waiting for Jordan to come out. Then 7 minutes later he came out with his duffle bag.

" hey umm can i get a ride home so i can get ready and we can go and eat out ? " he said

" yea for sure come on " i said

we both got in the car and i turned in on the air conditioner and jordan puts his whole face infront of the fan and i laughed cause he was sweating like pig .

" don't you have a car ? " i said

" yea but it's getting fixed right now i asked Juan for a ride to practice " he said

" oh " was all i said then he brought up me and juan outta nowhere

" so you and juan ? " he ask

" Jordan stop i just met him today " i said while focusing on the road

" i know but the guys said that he ask you out but not on a date right ?" he said

" no not on a date he wanted to get to know me better" i said then he look at me like saying

" yea better not be a date " he said furious

" whatever jordan " i said laughing

few minutes later we pulled up to his house , his house was big not gonna lie.  We got out of the car and walked tot he front door. He unlocked his doors with his keys . Then he opened his door

" welcome to da crib " he said smiling

" oh wow it's looks nice " i said

" thas all seriously ? not bougie type shi ?" he said

" no your house looks homey " i said

" oh okay whatever , you can stay here if yu want " he said

" but i already checked in a hotel today " i said

" we'll check out duh " he said it in a girly voice

" Jordan i paid money for that hotel and plus it's really nice i like it " i said

" i have like two guests room upstairs check it out " he said
( picture up at the top )

i went upstairs to see the guest rooms. I looked and just went downstairs

" im good i'll stay at the hotel " i said

" alright yu say so , imma get ready rn and we can spend time with each other " he said

20 minutes later he got out of his room i was watching in the living room on his tv watching despicable me 3 my favorite kids movie .  But then he walked out wearing sweats .

" are we not going eating out ?" i said

"nah i changed my mind i wanna eat here " he said

"omg ok i'll order food " i said

"no let's jus go get it " he said

" oh alright then " i said

" alright let's bounce " he said

i turned off the tv and grab my keys on the counter. We both walked out i went to start the car while he locked his house doors.

" alright where are we eating today ?" i said

" umm let's gets pizza im craving that right now , Oh and let's go tot he store to get chocolate chip cookies i ran out " he said

" okay " i said laughing while driving

𝑀𝐼 𝐴𝑀𝑂𝑅 ~ JUAN TOSCANO-ANDERSONWhere stories live. Discover now