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1 month later

I'm currently in bed until I get woken up by something hit my face. "Juan stop" I assumed juan was touching my face.

I turn to him and opened my eyes to see him not by my side.  "Oh my god" I look up to see balloons and a piece of paper hanging with one of the balloons.

I took the letter off the ballon, opened it and read it.

Good morning beautiful I see you saw the balloons everywhere. I've made a scavenger hunt for a beautiful birthday girl aka you:) Everything is already paid for so no need to pay for anything. Pack clothes for tonight. You'll be staying somewhere tonight. Will is going to be your destination driver. Take your time on getting ready amor no rush. Wear whatever you feel comfortable. I don't care if you wear sweats I just want to see your beautiful face. Will is going to be calling you soon to let you know he's outside. I love your soul amor. And Happy Birthday.

Signed by your only man.

I smiled and closed the paper. I took a drink a water and started getting ready.


Time skips

I am officially ready I decided to dress nice since it's a special day for me. (outfit at the top)

I packed my clothes and shoes and headed out to the living room. My phones rings and I answer it.

"Hello?" I say "Hey I'm outside your door." Will says knocking on it. "Alright i'm coming down right now bye" I say and hung up the call.

I quickly ran down stairs to open the door. I open the door to see will holding a note. "Hi will" I say smiling.

"Hey birthday girl happy birthday" He says and hugs me. I hug him back and we break the hug.

"Alright go right ahead to the car jacob is there i'll grab this from you though" he says grabbing the duffle bag away from me. "Thank you"

I give him my keys so he could lock it. I entered in the car and saw jacob waving.

"Happy birthday alex" He says and I hug him "Thank you jacob" I say and entered in the car.

Will comes inside the car. "Alright where to?" I asked.

"I am needed to hand you this letter" he says and smile at me. "Okay then."

"I see you are with Will and Jacob. I ordered your coffee at Mcdonald's the place we laid eyes on each other (smirks). That was corny as fuck. But anyway Head there and grab your drink. If they ask you for a code say "5826" K love you"

"Where to?" will asked

"Mcdonald's please"


We arrived at mcdonald's and I'm inside grabbing the drink. "Hi what can I get for you ?" The employee asked "I ordered and hazel nut iced coffee with light syrup" I say

"Alright code please ?". she asks "5826"

"Ahhhh alex let me grab your drink i'll be right back." She says and leaves. She comes back with the drink and a note. "Here is your drink and i'm supposed to hand you this note." She says

"Alright thank you so much" I say and walked out and opened the note.

"Head down to the flower shop and say Juan's gift and they'll hand you something. Enjoy your drink love :)"

I smile and close the note.


We're at the flower shop and I took jacob with me. "Hi how can I help you ?" The lady asked. "Hello I'm here to grab Juan's gift" I say and she smiles.

"Give me a minute" she says and leaves. She comes back with flowers and a note on the top of the flowers.
(Pic at the top)

"He said that hydrangeas are your flowers I love them too" She says and I smile "They just look so beautiful" I say and she nods her head.

"Oh so I need to give you this envelope." She says and I took it from her. "Thank you have a nice day" I say and walked out.

I grabbed the note opened it and read it.

"Save these flowers for later. In the envelope has money in it. Head to the mall and grab you and the guys something to eat. Then head to a jewelry shop and say Juan's gift again and they'll hand you something. I Love you amor"

"I love you too" I say and kiss the note


We are now at the mall and me and jacob grabbed food for him and will.  I wasn't really hungry so i'll let them eat. We're in the jewelry shop right now.

"Hello and welcome what can I help you with ?" The man asked.

"Ah yes hi i'm here to pick up Juan's gift." I say

"ah your the birthday girl?" He ask and I nod my head "Well happy birthday to you i'll be right back" He says and leaves.

He comes with a box, a note, and an envelope.

"Here you go have a nice day and happy birthday." He says smiling

"Thank you and you have nice day as well bye" I say leaving the jewelry shop.

"Now let's see our next clue." I say and open then note.

"Your almost finished baby, now that you've got the jewelry box do not i repeat DO NOT open it. Give the box to will so he can bring it to me."

"Then why the hell didn't you get it bubs?" I say to myself.

"Here jacob can you please hand that to will please? i'll be in the car." I say. He nods his head and leaves.

"But anyway in the envelope you'll see an address and a hotel key. They address is for the way to the hotel. The hotel is really nice they have a beautiful restaurant down stairs. Head to the hotel right now and you'll see your next surprise. I love you"

𝑀𝐼 𝐴𝑀𝑂𝑅 ~ JUAN TOSCANO-ANDERSONWhere stories live. Discover now