“I’m hearing all of this jabbering, and all I’m doing is trying to sleep.”

“We’re just thrilled that Harry is here, safe with us, Dante,” Sera answered at once. She slid her hand in her brother's hand. 

“Harry? But I thought that he went back to his aunt’s and uncle’s place?”

“He did. But we picked him up last night.”

Dante frowned. The morning brain fog was still present in his mind. 

“Where is he, now?”

“Over here, dummy,” Harry answered half-jokingly. 

Dante jumped before his eyes widened. He smiled broadly before approaching the brunette boy. Harry got up and gave Dante a quick hug, patting him on the shoulder. 

“How are you?” Harry asked after their quick reunion.

“So much better, now that I don’t have to live with my awful relatives for the rest of the summer.” He shuddered, tugging at his pajama sleeve. He looked a little awkward. 

“Dante, why don't you join us for breakfast? Mr. Weasley should be here any minute,” Mrs. Weasley suggested kindly. 

Dante nodded and took his place in his chair next to Sera. Mrs. Weasley began to spoon hashbrowns on his empty plate, making sure that he had enough. Finally — 

“Good morning, Weasleys! Good morning, Sera and Dante!”

There was a chorus of “good morning, dad”, and “good morning, Mr. Weasley” from Sera and Dante. 

“What a night. Nine raids! Nine!” Mr. Weasley complained as he settled down in his seat at the dining room table. 

“Raids?” Harry echoed, confused. 

“Dad works at the Ministry of Magic in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts department,” Ron explained. “Dad loves Muggles. He thinks that they’re fascinating.”

“Well, now!” said Mr. Weasley with a satisfied sigh. That was when he caught sight of Sera’s brother. He furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. “And who are you?”

“I’m sorry, sir. I’m Harry, sir. Harry Potter, Sera’s twin brother.”

Mr. Weasley sat there, looking stunned. Sera didn't blame him. 

“Good lord! Are you really?” Harry only nodded shyly in return. “Well, Ron and Sera, of course, have told us all about you. When did he get here?” he asked his wife.

“This morning,” Mrs. Weasley answered. She was still bitter by the fact her sons and Sera took the flying car without their permission. “Your sons and daughter flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night.”

She turned her back on him, fixing more breakfast at the stove. Mr. Weasley looked deeply impressed. He leaned in forward, eager to hear more information.

“Did you really? How did it go — I mean —” He paused when his wife whacked him sharply on the head. Mr. Weasley gave his wife a quick look of confusion before seeing her glare. He quickly changed his attitude. “That was very wrong of you, boys, and Sera. Very wrong of you. Now, Harry. You must know all about Muggles. Tell me: what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?”

Sera and Dante shared each other wary looks. Dante had been asked the same question. But when he told Mr. Weasley that he grew up in a wizarding family, he looked a little bummed out. But he still accepted Dante as his own child. 

“Oh! Um —”

Luckily, Harry did not have to go into details, much to Sera’s relief. At the same time, an angry screech from their owl, Errol, was heard. Everyone turned their attention towards the window. 

“Oh, that must be Errol with the post,” said Mrs. Weasley as she craned her neck to get a better look.

They watched as the tawny owl flew towards them, in the wrong direction. Ron was the first to notice. 

“Watch it!” he exclaimed. 

But it was too late. Errol had smacked himself into the glass window pane. He momentarily went still before disappearing. 

“Oof. Get the mail, will you, Percy?” Mrs. Weasley asked. 

Percy Weasley nodded and approached the door. Errol had hopped back onto the door, bouncing and twittering happily, acting as though nothing had happened. Harry turned to Ron, who looked confused. 


“Our owl,” Ron answered, shaking his head. “The bloody idiot. This happens nearly every time. He should learn to know where the open door is by now.”

“Oh, look!” said Percy after he had searched through the post. “Professor Dumbledore sent us our Hogwarts letters. Sent us Harry’s and Dante's as well.”

He passed around the envelopes. Sera took hers eagerly. She wondered which subjects they were going to need this year, and what books they needed. She was thoroughly disappointed, however, when she saw that the books were mostly written by some odd fellow named Gilderoy Lockhart.

Sera didn’t like the sounds of him. He sounded like a fraud. Fred voiced Sera’s worries. 

“This lot won’t come cheap, Mum,” he said worriedly. “These weird Lockhart books are extremely expensive.”

“We’ll manage,” Mrs. Weasley answered with a nearly-defeated sigh that Sera immediately caught. 

There was a pang of guilt in her stomach. Both she and Harry had inherited mounds upon mounds of money from their parents. She would have loved to have offered at least a good portion of her money to the Weasleys. But she knew they would never accept it. 

“There's only one place that you’re gonna want to get all of this: Diagon Alley.”


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