Start from the beginning

"Chaeng, what's with the banner? It's so cute, idiot," her giggles echo in Chaeyoung's ears while her gummy smile shines brightly in Chaeyoung's view.




In the open garden of Seoul Hotel, the air is alive with the fragrance of fresh flowers and vibrant greenery decorating the space. A few tables are now occupied by guests celebrating NaJeong's engagement ceremony. The garden is filled with excitement, laughter, and the joyful chatter of NaJeong's family, friends, and close contacts.

Chaeyoung's tires screech as he pushes the brake pedal, making the car stop right at the hotel valet.

"Let's go, Mina-yaa. We are running late," Chaeyoung gets out of his car, grabbing the blazer and black shoes from the back seat while Mina steps out from the passenger seat.

"It's you who's making us late, Chaeng," Mina starts to nag. "If it weren't for you burning your shirt again, we could have made it on time," she sighs while walking a bit faster into the lobby of the hotel alongside Chaeyoung. "Why do you love burning your shirt, Chaeng? I don't understand what kind of beef you have with the iron," she growls, waiting for Chaeyoung who is now changing his shoes from sneakers to the shiny black ones, making it more casual and well-suited with his black suit.

Chaeyoung clicks his tongue upon hearing Mina's nagging and almost stumbles while trying to fit in the shoes. "Tsk. You already bombarded me with tons of nagging along the way here, Mina-yaa. Aren't you tired?" He says slightly annoyed, feeling a little queasy from Mina's non-stop nagging since he picked her up until they arrived at the hotel.

"See, you said you miss my nags while I'm away, but now your actions and words are against it when I'm nagging around," Mina groans and crosses her arms.

Chaeyoung chuckles upon hearing his girlfriend is now slightly mad. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. You can continue your nagging after we're done with this ceremony, okay? Now let's go," Chaeyoung says playfully while not leaving his gaze from Mina and wearing his blazer at the same time.

Mina shakes her head, knowing how her boyfriend is still amusing despite being a bit annoying. "Wait. Let me fix this first," Mina grabs for Chaeyoung's collar and arranges it neatly, her hands also gently tightening Chaeyoung's light blue tie.

"Lucky me that I have you to take care of me, babe. Thank you," Chaeyoung flashes the warmest smile, not moving his gaze from Mina who looks a lot prettier in her double-tone dress, slightly light blue at the upper side and gradually black at the bottom. Her shiny black wavy hair also cascades down neatly to her chest, giving her a more ethereal look that goes well with her simple makeup today.

 Her shiny black wavy hair also cascades down neatly to her chest, giving her a more ethereal look that goes well with her simple makeup today

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"Also lucky me that my girlfriend is so pretty," Chaeyoung naughtily utters, placing his hands on Mina's waist.

"Not now, my handsome man," Mina smirks at his compliment and then pats both of Chaeyoung's shoulders, the suits now seem neater on him, making his broad shoulders stand out prominently. "Done, let's go."

Chaeyoung grins before taking Mina's hand and snakes it around his arm, walking side by side to the outdoor garden of the hotel.

Everyone has now gathered around one of the guest tables with NaJeong. They immerse themselves in praising how pretty Nayeon looks today; she's the most outstanding person here, and Jeongyeon couldn't help but be proud of his fiancee now.

As they prepare for some drinks, Tzuyu suddenly asks, "So it's confirmed about our staycation tomorrow?" His eyes trail Chaeyoung.

"Umm, I already arranged everything. The flight, place, and some activities... no one can back out now," he presses the last words with a hint of threat.

"Great. What time is the flight tomorrow? I haven't prepared yet," Jihyo interjects.

"Umm, 10 in the morning," Chaeyoung replies before sipping his red wine. "By the way, guys, I forgot to tell you that someone will join us... it's..." Chaeyoung suddenly trails off as Jeongyeon's phone rings.

Jeongyeon picks up the phone. "Hey, are you here now?" He patiently waits for the girl on the other line to answer. "Nice... I'm coming now." He moves his phone from his ear.

"Guys, I need to pick up my guest at the lobby... you guys just enjoy first, okay?" Jeongyeon utters and grabs Nayeon's hand to come with him.

"Who might that be? I'm curious," Momo mumbles as she gazes at others who are giving nothing but clueless expressions.

"Chaeng... who's the person you asked to join our staycation?" Mina blankly looks at Chaeyoung, her expression displaying curiosity.

"Oh yaaa, it's..." Chaeyoung suddenly stutters without finishing his words as his eyes dart straight to the flower arch at the entrance of the garden. He squints his eyes, trying to focus on the familiar girl walking with Jeongyeon and Nayeon. He stutters, "Sana...?"

"Uhhh? Sana?" Mina repeats, clueless about who Sana is.


What do you guys expect with Sana's present now ?? 🤭 I expect something like roller coaster ?? You know what I mean right ??

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