Izzy: Whoa! Oh, boy! Whoa! Getting nauseous. I'm gonna throw up. (Krag puts them down and Cole holds onto a stalagmite for support.) 

Cole: Oh, okay. Listen, d-don't do that again, okay? No more squeezing. Or spinning. A-and, listen. This is great and all, but we didn't come all the way out here just to make a new friend. We're looking for a tree. A special tree. Do you know where it is? (Krag scratches his head in confusion. Cole picks up the branch.) The Traveler's Tree. 

Izzy: Do you know where it is? (Krag understands and runs out.) Hey, wait up! Where are you going? (Krag jumps ahead but returns and picks up Cole.) 

Cole: Whoa! Okay, whoa, whoa. J-J-Just take it easy. (He tries to hold on while Krag runs.) Whoa! Oh, gosh. Okay. Just slow down, big guy. Okay! Careful, careful. Oh. Don't look down. (They reach the top and see the tree.) The Traveler's Tree. (He took some of the leaves and Izzy grabs a couple of berries and puts them in Cole's pocket.) Thank you, Krag. Because of you, my friends and I have an actual chance of getting home. (Krag smiles and beats his chest.)

(Meanwhile, Nya and Jay arrive at the cave.)

Jay: This is where those creepy footprints lead.

Nya: It's definitely the creature's home. Look.

Jay: That's a really big bed. (Gasps.) How big do you think Krag is?

Nya: (She investigates a footprint.) Pretty big.

Jay: (He steps inside it and nervously walks out.) I wish was Kai here.

Nya: Someone had to stay and protect the village.

Jay: Yeah, but who's protecting us? (They hear and see Krag's shadow.) We should have brought weapons!

Nya: (Gasps.) We're too late.

Jay: C-C-Cole... (They hide.) That monster!

Nya: He's gonna pay for that. On three. One, two, three! (They attack. A pile of snow falls on Cole and Izzy. Krag grabs Nya.)

Jay: Nya! (Krag throws Nya back to him and he prepares to zap Krag.) 

Izzy: (She comes out of the snow pile.) Hold your fire! (Jay unknowingly zaps her and Cole.) Okay, I'm gonna feel that in the morning. (More snow falls on her and Cole but Nya and Jay don't realize.) 

(Nya and Jay manage to take Krag down and Jay readies his lightning.) 

Cole: (Him and Izzy come out from behind Krag.) No! Stop! Don't hurt him.

Jay: Cole!

Nya: Izzy! (They all hug.) 

Jay: We thought that...

Nya: How!?

Krag: (He grabs Cole and Izzy and pushes Nya and Jay away.) Friends.

Jay: Did Krag just say "Friends"?

Cole: That's what I was trying to tell you guys. He's not a monster. He's, well, he's Krag. Krag, Nya, Jay. Our friends. Krag helped us find the Traveler's Tree. He helped us get this. (He shows them the leaves.)

Jay: (Gasps.) Are those...?

Nya: Traveler's Tea leaves?

Cole: Yep. 

Jay: But how? Where?

Cole: That's what we're telling you. There's a tree up this cliff. We wouldn't have found it without Krag's help.

Izzy: He's actually just a big loyal dog. Not a monster. 

Nya: I'm sorry we misjudged you. We heard some crazy stories and I guess we let them get the better of us, and—

Cole: Yeah, I don't think he understands all that.

Nya: Friends? (Krag hugs them tightly.)

Cole: Not again!

Jay: Uh, what's he doing?

Izzy: Squuezing and hugging us! 

Nya: I'm about to explode!

Cole: Uh, down, Krag! Down! Let us down! (Krag drops them.) Krag, how would you like to come with us? Down the mountain.

Krag: Huh?

Cole: Krag, come with Cole. Come stay with friends. Okay? (Krag nods happily.)

Nya: Great! Well, that's settled.

(They exit the cave and walk back to the village. Krag looks back.)

Cole: Just give him a sec. (Krag plants the branch and growls.)

Jay: What's he doing?

Cole: Saying goodbye.

Izzy: To the home he once knew and loved. (Krag picks himself up and walks back with his new friends.) 

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