39: Matrimony

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Author's Chapter Notes:


Lianne La Havas- Unstoppable


Arnor Dan- Von

 Water lapped against the waves. The sun was warm, the clouds billowy and white. Her hands pressed tightly together.

"There you are." Turning, brown eyes met the man whose name she'd soon take as her own.

"Hey..." He smiled and slowly came towards her.

"You're up early." She turned her eyes back towards the waves.

"I couldn't sleep." His eyes soon followed her line of vision and he slid his hands into his pockets.

"Neither could I." She licked her lips and glanced down at her finger. She took a shaky breath. She wasn't sure if she was scared, excited or both. A part of her wanted to run. But a bigger part of her wanted to scream, cry and laugh all at the same time. She felt her heart pull. Time and time again, she had been feeling as though she was in a dream. But, every time she looked at it...it smacked her in the face. Threading her fingers, she gripped tightly. It was real. This was real.

"Rae..." She swallowed and looked up at him.

"How do you feel baby?" She pressed her face against his chest.

"I'm wondering how much longer I gotta wait till I'm yo wife." He chuckled.

"I'd say we're pretty close now." His fingers came to skim her cheek.

"I can't wait."

"Me neither." She pulled away from him and slowly entered the water, the element teasing her. He watched intensely as she slowly but surely grew a bit deeper, fingers creating circles around her.


"Yeah babe?"

"Come join me..." She turned to look at him and all feeling in his body shot to hell. As if by magnetism, he drew into the water. How beautiful she was, the Kyoto skyline growing shades of pink and dusty lavender behind her.

"Will you rest early tonight?" He asked, pulling her against him. She didn't say a word just leaned back against his chest, the breeze rustling her dress.

"Maybe..." She finally whispered, fingers threading through his. Silence surrounded them and he pressed his lips against her temple. Finally away from the noise of the world, they were able to plug into a different world... their own. He'd freed a good month of his schedule and made sure that in that time they would get some time to relax. They'd taken a trip to Kyoto, his birthplace. They'd never had a chance to visit and he was excited to show her around. They had happened upon some of his favorite spots to eat and now it was growing dark.

"Why don't we head back to the hotel? I'm sure more awaits us tomorrow."

"Mmkay." Fatigue was heavy on her voice and she let him pull her away from the tide.

"Can I have a piggyback?" He smiled but acquiesed, kneeling. She climbed on his back and gently wrapped her arms around him. By the time they returned, he knew she'd be asleep. And that was perfectly fine. It would give him some time to think and reflect. Feet wet in the sand, he made it back to shore.

"Rest well sweetheart."


Sunlight streamed in through her window and she pouted, turning her face into her pillow. Growing still, she slowly opened her eyes. When'd she make it back here? Yawning, she slowly sat up and rubbed at her eyes. Hiroto. He'd done all this for her... just to make sure she actually slept. Smiling, she shook her head with a sigh. That man there...A gentle knock at the shoji caught her attention.

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