36: Fruition

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Dew- Ilaria Graziano

Mikansei Love Story (Incomplete Love Story) -Yoko Kanno

"Mr. Iwase?"


"Ms. Marshall is here to see you."

"Please let her in." The doors to his office opened and his lovely lady stepped inside, graciously bowing to Midori before the door closed.

"Hello there." He said with a gentle smile.

"Hi. So I'll make this really short. I have an interview with James & Corrier in like three hours and I had to come to you because I feel like throwing up." He stood up from his desk and chuckled.

"You're so cute."

"Vomit is not cute by any means Hiroto."

"Take a deep breath."

"Okay but you know I don't like these things..." He came to stand in front of her and gently placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't like interviews either but..." She pouted.

"You'll do great Rae."

"How you know?"

"I know you." She swallowed and tried to keep the nausea down.


"Breathe..." He whispered, softly rubbing her back. She inhaled sharply.

"Would you like me to come with you?"

"Yes. Sit with me on stage too."

"I don't think that would be proper."

"I need you up there..."

"Alright fine. I'll sit with you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Let's go get some air before I go to this thing."


Weeks of planning had finally been turned into reality and they had taken Rae's idea and turned it into a successful organization. She had named the organization Junsui and though it had been only three weeks up it was showing to be very promising. He delighted in the fact that she was starting to become an inspirational figure, gaining more and more popularity among the business elites. She didn't quite know how to handle it but he let her shine in only the way she could. He was proud of his baby in that even though she hated big public affairs, she followed through with it in spite of her unease. Sighing, he ran fingers through his freshly cut hair.

Time was moving quite fast, leaving him to wonder when it would ever slow for a moment. His mother had been unusually quiet. In the back of his mind, he knew she was plotting. Still plotting. Still wanting to undermine him. He took a deep breath as he felt small fingers grip his tightly. With Rae's birthday approaching by the day, he wanted to do something truly special in celebration of this feat. He watched as irritation mingled with nervousness on her face. Unfamiliar hands tangled in her hair and put more makeup than was called for on her face. He squeezed back and stood.

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