14: Visor

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A/N: ** A slight time skip has occurred! It's been a few months after the last chapter! :)** I am saddened by the fact that I cannot add the chapter covers I had created. Yes, I had made a chapter cover for EACH chapter. Ya girl was serious when I was actively writing this LOL. Okay, I did it ALL. Even so, you guys love it without the added/extra visual so I supposeeee I'm pleased hahaha. Kay, let's jump in. <3 -AL 

The voices of the associates and executives droned around her but the only one she had in her hindsight was the one sitting right across from her. He had his head down and his fingers held a pen as he wrote against the paper. She tightened her fist underneath the table.

"Ms. Marshall?" She turned her eyes on Mr. Rossi who was seated next to her.


"Is something wrong?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"No. Not at all."

"You seem to be finding Mr. Iwase very interesting."

"Not really."

"I see." She cleared her throat.

"Excuse me gentlemen, if I could have your attention." They all turned their attention to her.

"I propose we all take a short intermission. If it is all right with you all, we will conclude our meeting at 10:30 pm." They agreed and visibly relaxed some of them. Getting up, she gathered her materials and pressed them to her chest. She ignored the eyes on her and looked at Mr. Rossi.

"I will be in the break room."

"Go right ahead Ms. Marshall." Without another glance in his direction, she walked out of the board room.


As she reached for a cup, she heard a soft knock on the door. Turning, she saw Hiroto standing there. Scowling, she sighed.

"You love following me huh?"

"You're not the only reason I came in here."

"Oh really?"


"Sure whatever." She pursed her lips and filled the cup up with water.


"Not now."

"Yes now." He stepped into the room.

"Did you receive my gift?"

"I received plenty of things from you over the past couple months."

"What did you think?" She tightened her grip on her cup.

"I shouldn't be surprised. You are a persistent man by nature. But nevertheless, I was irritated that you sent them." He softly grinned.

"I thought you would be." She looked up at him.

"You sent them knowing I'd have an attitude?"



"In all honesty, I just wanted to make you smile." She scoffed.

"Nah you wanted to piss me off. Seems you still to this day love irritating me." He bit his lip, the dimples in his cheeks deepening with the grin.

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