48: Floret

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Ragged coughing seemed to echo in the small room and soon it filled with nurses. One of them pulled out her stethoscope and pressed it to her chest while others tried assessing her other ways.

"Iwase-san, are you feeling light headed or dizzy?"

"Are you short of breath?"

"Can you tolerate sitting up some to allow more air to enter your lungs?" All of it... all of them proved to be irritating and she snarled up her lips to talk back but instead another series of coughs came forth, tearing at her insides. Pain flushed her face and she wheezed, ignoring the concerned expressions. Her eyes time and time again found the letter that was repeatedly put back up on her nightstand. No matter how many times she knocked it off. Bastard. Shutting her eyes, she tried to inhale deeply, pain causing her to ripple and quake. After reading a letter like that, she found she'd never forgive him. And perhaps he wouldn't ever forgive her too.


To Hada Mizu,

There are so many things I could say about you. So many emotions come up when I think about you. It has taken me a long time to even process them all and right here and right now, I will fully express myself to you. Not as your so-called heir. Not as CEO of Shoutoii. Not even as an Iwase. Right now I'm writing to you as your son. Allow me to re-introduce myself to you as Hiroto.


It was around late November that it had been decided. A woman came rushing out of the tall crystal castle as the boy called it, apology written all over her face.

"I'm so sorry you two! I tried getting out of there but I had some things to finish up." The boy blushed as her fingers came to tickle him underneath his chin.

"Are you boys hungry?"

"I'm always hungry." The voice of her husband replied, a boyish grin on his face. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.

"I already know about you. Kyou-chan, are you hungry?" Kyouta nodded his head.

"Okay then let's goooooo. It's cold and y'all standin out here like it's 70 degrees." They began to walk towards the car and glancing up at the two of them, the boy's expression finally changed and a small but visible smile was seen on his face. It was then that he decided that he wanted to finally be apart of them. Whatever them was. As they sat in front of burgers and fries, he watched the two of them intently, feeling laughter spring up as his Onii-sama stuck some fries up his nose. Rae-chan as she liked to be called doubled over in laughter, tears beading at the corners of her eyes.

"ROTO. YOU A STRAIGHT FOOL OH MY GAWD." A laugh came from him before he had time to control it and the two adults turned to look at him. Surprise written over their expressions.

"Onii-sama...you look really funny with potatoes up your nose." The man's eyes seemed to twinkle with mischief and he stood up, coming behind him.

"I'm not your Onii-sama. Who is this person?" He smirked at the goofy tone of his voice.

"You look like him."

"Ah but I'm not. I'm the fry monster." He giggled, spitting out his pop.

"Fry monster?"

"Yes and you look really tasty. Maybe I'll turn you into a kid sized fry!" He couldn't contain the laugh that escaped him as he began to tickle him, leaning down to pick him up from the chair.

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