4: Motive

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"Mr. Iwase, how are you this morning?" The blare from the lights and the heat was making him dizzy but he gave a curt nod.

"It is a privilege for you to be here with us. Are you here on behalf of your father?"

"I am."

"I'm sure he is very proud of his son taking control of his business in his absence." Silence. He could feel a bead of sweat slide down his back. The sooner this interview was over the better.

"Ah, well why don't you let us all know how the business is going." He steepled his fingers on the glossy wooden table, his expression cool.

"Stocks have remained at good standing. With sales also overseas, our economy has boosted considerably. We are doing very well."

"That's impressive." He closed his mouth and waited for any other questions.

"I'm sure you are under a lot of pressure. Being that you are the son of Iwase Shou. What is it like?"

"It is something I have been groomed to be from birth naturally. It is something that I can handle." For now. The interviewer nodded and glanced down at his cards for another question.

"Ah, so this is a question from the viewers. The female population is quite taken by you Mr. Iwase."


"Yes well their question is about marriage. Is it possible that you will find a wife soon?" His throat tightened.

"I am not sure how to answer this question."

"A simple yes or no would suffice."

"I prefer to focus mostly on my father's business. I do not concern myself with things outside of this."

"Ah...Ladies, he must be a cool reserved type." The interviewer joked to his audience, bringing laughs.

"Well, thank you for your time today. You are a promising young man. I look forward to interviewing you again."

"Thank you." He bowed stiffly and made it into an awaiting car. Windows tinted and rolled up on purpose. Calm. Peaceful. Quiet. His driver made no sounds. Leaning his head back against the head rest, he closed his eyes. He had to remind himself why he had decided all those years ago to do this. For a while, he had gotten caught up in the tide that threatened to sweep him away. But he was a man on a mission. He couldn't get blindsided now. The dream he'd had was like a reaffirmation. He couldn't get lost now. His fingers reached up to twirl the small ring around. He still wore it, a token of a love that he destroyed. What it symbolized brought him the courage he would need. With it, there was a beacon of light that surrounded him. He'd wear it until he died. That was his promise.

"Iwase-sama?" He gently pressed the small ring against his lips.


"It is your mother. Shall I give her a message?" His lips twisted up. He wanted nothing to do with her. He didn't want to talk to her. But... if this was going to go as planned, he had to.

"Put her through." The driver put the call through.

"Hiroto?" He tightened his fists together.

"Mother." His voice ever so calm.

"How are you my son?"

"I'm fine."

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