34: Homecoming

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Trees thickly shaded the side of the house. Off in the corner there sat a koi pond, the trickling of a fountain evoked peace. The old wooden engawa faced her and as she slid off her shoes and took the hand that helped lift her up, she felt the peace wash over her. Her bare feet met the wood and she smiled. Memories suddenly rushed forth and she gripped his hand.

"You feel it too?" He asked, a blush in his cheeks.

"Yeah... it's like the house is happy..."

"You've come home." He said gently, pressing a kiss to her fingers. The powerful emotion flooded her and she let him lead her in, sliding the shoji aside.

"Father?" They passed the kitchen where the old kamado sat and came into one of the great rooms.


"Hiroto?" They heard a voice from out in the garden. They went back out onto the engawa and soon the figure of a man faced her.

"Father." The hands of the man were dirty, seeds worked deep into the ground. He sighed and turned around. At the sight of her, he dropped the bag of seeds.

"Ebere?" His English was accented, but the clarity and warmth within still tangible. She smiled and let go of Hiroto's hand.

"Hello Mr. Iwase." She pressed her hands together and bowed until she couldn't see her feet.

"My my..." He slowly made his way over to them. She lifted up and blushed as arms came around her. Still much taller than she, he nearly swallowed her up. Fingers gripped his jacket. He smelled of the earth, rich and good.

"You've returned...I've been waiting..." Pulling back from her, he lifted a hand to caress her cheek.

"What a beautiful woman you've become..."

"T-thank you very much."

"My son has finally atoned for his wrongs. Finally, he has brought you back where you belong." Tears came to her eyes and she smiled gently.

"We must have tea. I did not know you were coming.. either of you. I would have prepared."

"I wanted to surprise you." Roto spoke up, a kind expression on his face, so unlike that in his youth.

"Very surprised indeed. My my..." He led the way and the two followed him into the house.

"Rae, please sit over there." A hand directed her way politely and she obliged, pressing her bottom back against her heel. Squinting, she wiggled uncomfortably.

"It has been a long while since you've sat that way I am sure. Please, be comfortable dear." Thankful, she scooted her legs to the side of her, hands pressed into her lap. Roto came to sit next to her, his back straight and posture stiff.

"You can relax Hiroto." Instantly, his shoulders relaxed. For a long while, he just stared at the two of them. It unnerved her a bit and she tightened her fingers together.

"Mr. Iwase.."

"Yes my dear?"

"Um... how..how have you been? Hiroto's told me that you were ill."

"Ah. Yes. My kidneys are very bad. Drinking too much sake in my youth caused it."


"The doctors told me it was cancer." Her eyes grew wide.


"All is well now dear. They wanted me to undergo radiation and chemotherapy."

"Did you?"

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