42: Au Revoir

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Life's Good- Namuuna

A sharp gust of wind sliced through the peaceful ambiance and the briskness of it made him shudder. A sign of change. The seasons were shifting and soon the leaves would change color and snow would fall. The last drops of summer fell from the sky and he wanted to soak it all in. It was the last day in France and on this day, he had surprised her with a trip to the beautiful French countryside. Old forsaken farm houses and war ruins told stories the land would forever carry. But, the people were so humble, kind and generous...simplistic and rich in both land and heart. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply. So many things had happened in this trip and for that he would be eternally grateful.

"Hiroto?" Turning, he found his lovely lady leaning against the door.


"You ready to go home?"

"Yes and no."

"Yeah...me too."

"But, the time here had been so special. It certainly will not be the last time we visit."

"Yeah but still..." He smiled and reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips.

"Don't mourn over our leaving." She pouted cutely.

"Okay..." Snuggling up against him, she wrapped her arms around him as fireflies lit up the sky, crickets chirped and the setting sun painted beautiful colors across the expanse of the clear night sky.


Earlier in the day, she had found herself on lush land, rich in green and life. Literally. Soft fur drifted through her fingers and she smiled as a small lamb beneath her nestled his head against her breast. They had ventured far from their hotel and after several trains made it to the home of a quaint woman and her robust sons.

"That one has never been so comfortable with strangers..." Said woman said with a smile, coming up behind her to lean against the arch of the small barn.

"His name is Addix."

"Aw...where's his family?" She asked, blushing as the sweet little creature softly baa'ed and closed his eyes.

"All here. His mother and father are somewhere in the fields. All of his brothers and sisters are playing just there beyond the bend." She pointed off into the distance, small forms seen.

"That's awesome."

"Yes. In the spring, we shear them and later use the wool to make blankets and other things to keep us warm during the colder months."


"Here we prefer simplicity to the rather busy life in the cities. We are humble and don't ask for much."

"Same." The two women looked out to see Hiroto grooming a mare, his gentle smile and tone of voice endearing. His cheeks were rosy and he leaned down to press his cheek against the mare's mane.

"He hasn't changed." She turned to look at the woman who had later identified herself as Winona.

"You know him?" Winona smiled, clutching her hands together.

"When he was a boy, his grandmother allowed him to stay with me and my family. She and I were friends from long ago in her own travels." By the look of surprise on her face, she continued.

"I know the Iwase family very well but I choose not to be associated with them... outside of dealings with Hiroto." She lifted her eyebrow.

"Why?" The woman turned her eyes back onto her husband.

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