33: Everything Above

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Everything Above-Ravyn Lenae

"Welcome home Mr. Iwase! It is so good to have you back!" He smiled and bowed his head.

"It's good to be home! Tell me, how has everything been in my absence?"

"Everything has been great! We did think that our stocks were going to plummet once in the previous year but thankfully, they did not."

"That's good news."

"We've been following you since you left us and you have made everyone here at Shoutoii proud! You've done great things while abroad!" His cheeks grew pink but he bowed his head lower.

"It's nothing at all. This business has become a passion of mine so I intend to do well." Eyes turned to look at the woman who sat next to him.

"Who is this beautiful lady beside you?" He turned to look at her and smiled.

"This is Rae Marshall. She's one of my most trusted friends and partners." She blinked, now having been included in English and smiled shyly.

"Hello everyone."

"You two are quite a team. She's brought good to Shoutoii I hear."

"Yes. She's made the company better and she's made me better as well."

"Thank you Mr. Iwase.." She spoke softly, blushing as he winked at her.

"Okay, let's get started shall we?" The lead officer turned down the lights and started a presentation.


The first week was passing quicker than she had expected. Meetings galore it had been thus far but she had enjoyed learning more about the company. It was amazing to see the genuine respect and admiration the people had for him. He was such a pure hearted businessman. He truly wanted to do good for his people. The same way she wanted to do good for hers. Sighing, she closed her eyes. Inhaling the air, she smiled as Roto stepped out onto the balcony.

"How you holdin up?" He sighed, the comfortable and pleasant breeze rustling his hair.

"Better now that we're half way through the day."

"Glad we have a moment to ourselves for a little while."

"Yeah for sure." She sighed again.

"As much as I've enjoyed attending these meetings the past few days... I still feel like I'm in the way..." His eyebrows furled.

"How so?"

"I can't understand anything y'all sayin. I'm not familiar with Shoutoii like I should be.. I haven't been able to contribute anything to the meetings but a smile and a nod." He clucked his tongue.

"You're being too hard on yourself Rae."


"Don't be that way. Everyone understands that you are learning. It does not matter if you know the language or not, they see you trying. They see how passionate you are about it. That's all that matters."

"Hm.." She eyed him, the sunlight making his skin glow.

"How's your fam?"

"My mother has been ill for quite a long time now."

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