16: Process

69 11 37

** Some time has passed since the last chapter. The time frame being now a few months later. :)**

"You've been in the States a whole year this month!"

"Mm. Time does fly doesn't it?"

"I miss you."

"You sure you don't miss the free sake?"

"Please. Japan is so empty without you Hiroto-kun." He chuckled. It had been quite a while since he had talked to Tobu and it was conversation that he so badly needed.

"So... how is she?"



"Ah...she's...she's fine."

"I don't know where you stand with Kiko but I'd be on my knees kissing the ground Rae walked on for forgiveness."

"Trust me, I am trying."




"I...I really hurt her." A thoughtful silence came and then,

"Yes. You did. I can't imagine how she has felt all these years." He was quiet so he continued,

"Hiroto...you know you would've been happy with her. Even if you never saw Japan again at least you would have had her. You were both so young then...You would have made it work... you had time to make it work! I don't doubt it would have been a struggle... but wouldn't it have been worth it to be with the woman you loved?" He gripped the phone, his eyes growing teary.

"You would have been free Hiroto-kun! Free from your parents and free from everything that would have held you down! In America, you could have started over... started fresh with her."

"I know..I know that."

"You guys have gone back to square one. But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe this is the chance you will get to know her all over and discover new things."


"How is Mom?" He lifted his hand to wipe the small tear drops that had rested on his eyelashes.

"Getting better I hear. No doubt she is giving the nurses and doctors hell though." Tobu snickered.

"Yeah let her get all healed up. I can't wait to see her face when you bring Rae-chan back here all wifed up. My life will be made."

"You're an idiot."

"No. You are." They shared a laugh.

"I better go Hiro-kun."


"Yeah. Wouldn't want to keep the busy businessman from his subjects."

"Nakamura Tobu is quite the jokester hm?" He laughed, biting his lip.

"Well if you insist Tobu...I'll talk to you soon hm?"


"See you."

"See you later."

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