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"Hurry up Roto!" Bundled up in her big winter coat, earmuffs on, Rae looked up at him as he came to lay a hand on her big gorgeous hair. Smiling, he eyed his father who stood on the engawa, a thick kimono adorned his body. He felt the smallest shred of excitement thrum through him.

"Why don't you go inside with him and warm up?"

"'kay." Nose red as Rudolph, she lifted on her tip toes for a kiss. He pecked her sweetly before watching her head inside, sliding the shoji shut. Sliding hands into his pockets, he lifted his eyes to the dark night sky, snow falling quietly from above. The air was clear and crystal, the stars twinkling as always. The next few weeks were some of the longest what with an abrupt move to another apartment. It had been so long since he'd visited the grounds. Since they'd visited together. He could feel his grandmother's warmth instantly upon setting eyes on the house. Baa-chan....we're home. Sighing heavily, he stepped up onto the engawa, soon melting into the heat of the hearth.


Off in the dimly lit room, she stood a blanket around her. An old kamado faced her and upon glancing at it, she smiled. Not too far away were her love and father in law. Shou was adamant about them staying with him for the last remaining weeks until the new year and she was glad that they both acquiesced. Being in his grandmother's home, she felt a sense of peace and calm while everything around her bust apart at the seams. Only this place could have such an effect. Sighing, she came to stand in front of the shoji, the winter air crisp and chilling. The sound of shoji opening drew her attention away from her thoughts.

"Rae, why are you still up?" Turning, she found Roto in cozy pajamas, an off grey haori covering him.

"I don't know...I just can't sleep..." Arms came around her and lips pressed against her jaw.

"Want me to tuck you in?" Smiling softly, she looked up at him, lifting her finger to poke his forehead.

"You bein funny and Ion appreciate it." He chuckled.

"I'm not being funny. I mean it."

"Okay then...fine. Maybe then I go to sleep." He led her to a plush futon, blankets and pillows ready to be attacked. Sighing, she fell on top of said pillows and curled up into a ball.

"What's on your mind babe?" He asked, coming to sit beside her.

"Are you feeling okay? I mean... I know we just suddenly came to Nara."

"Yeah! I'm excited... it's been so long since I've been here."

"Yeah I know. It's good for you to be home again." She blushed and nodded. He bit his lip and came close enough to sit in front of her. She lifted fingers to a small emblem that rested right below his shoulder.

"This is new. What's this?" Smiling softly, he pressed her hand flat against it.

"It's my family crest."


"In Japanese, we call it mon." She glanced at the other one on his other shoulder.

"It looks like a bird..."

"Mm. There are three cranes."


"Do you know what the crane means?" She shook her head, her cute expression of cluelessness making him chuckle again.

"Cranes are fabled to live a thousand years. With three, it is to say that my family will live on forever so to speak. Luck, happiness, good fortune... all of these things also apply."

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