12: Leeway (Slow but sure)

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A/N: Hey guysss! Happy Saturdayyyy <3 I'm off this weekend so that meansssss updates hehe. :D I've been waiting for this all week LOL. hehehe. I'm ready to jump back in and I know you are too. hehe. Let's not waste any time, let's goooo! 

    Christmas had come and gone and it had been much harder on Kiko than on him. He had long been used to spending holidays alone. But she had had these grandeur ideas of what Christmas was supposed to be like. She had called him the day before and asked if he wanted to do something. To which he replied no. Instead, he had spent his holiday in his apartment working. He hadn't allowed himself a break during this time and because of that was currently exhausted. He sighed and looked out of his window upon the snowy city. It was nearing January, how quickly the time was moving. It seemed he had blinked and just got here.

His phone buzzed as he put his computer down on the living room table. Going to look at it, he sighed. Let's go to lunch. His stomach growled and he quickly typed an answer. No, I'm not hungry. But that was a lie. He was starving actually and his stomach served to remind him of that. He had been showing her the cold shoulder the whole time they had resided here. For that he wasn't regretful. But the emotion did tire him sometimes. Today, he would allow it. He erased his answer and typed a new one. Be ready in 30 minutes. She replied back quickly. Okay.

He got in the shower and brushed his teeth. Putting on a warm sweater and jeans, he slid into his boots. Grabbing his coat, wallet and key, he put his phone in his pocket as he left. On the ride, he pressed his forehead against the cold glass. New York was truly a beautiful city when it snowed. But even so, there was something even more beautiful about Japan covered in snow. He was starting to grow homesick.

"Sir?" His driver called from the front of the car.


"I was wondering if I could ask you something."


"Could I be permitted to take a leave for the Holiday?" New Years Eve was approaching.

"You have family here Daiko?"

"Yes. I have a brother who resides in this city. Though it is not my wife and children, I am happy I have someone to be around for this holiday." He was quiet for a while until he spoke again.

"Would you like to see your wife?"

"Very much sir." He stared out of the window at the large white piles of snow that was covering cars, sidewalks and roadways.

"I'll purchase a ticket for you to visit them." Daiko smiled, he could feel it.

"Sir... That is quite a bit of money. Please reconsider."

"It's no problem. It is not good for a man to be away from his family."

"How long will I have to be away from you sir?"

"You can spend a month or so at home. I'll pay you for that time."

"You're so gracious Mr. Iwase." He smiled.

"You deserve it Daiko. I will arrange for your trip later on."

"T-thank you Mr. Iwase."

"It is I that should thank you."


As he stepped up to the door, he sighed. When he looked at Kiko, he wanted to see her. Not the face of the woman who had for so long tortured him. If he was going to try, he needed to be a little bit nicer. Licking his lips, he knocked on the door and waited until she came to, a soft smile on her face.

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