38: Entr'acte

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Sweeterman- Zach Farac

Ovcoco-Me and You (Feat. Bevy Maco and jeebanoff)

GIIANA-Paradise (feat. Summer Soul)

"Welcome to Tokyo Haneda Airport! We hope your flight has been relaxing! Please find your baggage at the baggage claim and please fly with us again!" The busy shuffling of feet sounded, suitcases and zippers hustled by. She stopped walking and for a moment just looked around at all the busy people going to and fro. Small children trailing after their mothers and fathers right behind them.



"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine...I just...can't believe...I'm here again. Everything is so tangible like I could reach out and touch it."

"You can."

"I can?" She looked to find him smiling, cheeks rosy. His hand came up to her hair and he brought her closer to him, his arm gently cradling her head against him.

"Rae.." She didn't reply as she reached up to grab a small portion of his shirt.

"Welcome home." She bit her lip, his warmth exploding around her.

"It's...it's good to be home..." He smiled as he let her go. Without another word, they got lost in the crowd, suitcases trailing behind them.



I am coming home. I am not quite finished with the mission given to me but I think my progress so far will suffice. As I write this letter, Rae and I are in the process of moving. Everything has been completed with the American sectors and I have promoted Ishimoto Shouichi head over the New York and California offices. I trust that he will take good care of the vision I've tried to instill in the business this far. As for myself, it is time I return to the shores of my motherland. With me, I bring the woman acceptable to carry forth our name. I have kept my promise.

Tears filled old eyes.

When we arrive, we can finally begin our lives anew. Once we get settled, Rae and I will visit you. It may be unlike me to express this but...I have thought about you frequently as of late. I've been yearning for our talks over tea, sakura petals pressing the shoji. More than that, I hope that you have been well. We will see you soon father. Until then, take care and be well.

Your son



"Hiroto?" He turned around. There in the doorway she stood, her skin mahogany and hair like black silk down her back. She was breathtaking as she held a small clutch against her stomach. She wore a beautiful dress that accentuated her curves just right, the full bodied skirt adorned with an almost dizzying pattern. Up further, black sheer mesh covered her shoulders and traveled down her arms. A tasteful amount of cleavage was seen, just enough to tease.

"You look divine." She blushed as his eyes took her in. He slowly stood, fingers having been pressed against light paper, ink having faded.

"Did you still want to go? It's not too late to skip the party."

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