49: Shin Sei Katsu

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"In here bae." She heard him get up, feet sliding onto the floor. A slight yawn approached her and arms enclosed around her.

"How's it goin?"

"Welp, just getting all my junk into these boxes." He smiled against her, his chin resting on the top of her head.

"We're really doin this..."


"Kinda feels unreal."

"Mm..." She sighed and entangled their fingers.

"You didn't have to get up babe. Why not sleep a bit longer?" He shook his head and pressed his face against her neck.

"Mm...I wanted to..." Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and leaned back against him. Alas a new journey was underway. Their apartment was now too small for their growing family. She had spent the early morning packing up her life little by little and piece by piece. Each step of the way, it had been bittersweet. Blame the hormones but she'd cried here and there putting her things in boxes. She wasn't sure if it was purely out of sadness or uncertainty. Maybe it was all out of pure excitement. The television droned on in the background as Roto pressed a kiss to her neck and came around to sit besides her, ready to help her.


"I have reports that claim to have seen the Royal Couple of Japan the 'Prince' of Japan as he's fondly called Hiroto Iwase and his beautiful wife Ebere Iwase out and about in Manhattan last month. Reports from a credible source says that they shared kisses and very open PDA on their outing but what has folks talking was the suspected baby bump Ebere seemed to be sporting. If you're like me, you've been patiently waiting for the two to start a family and it seems they have finally gotten on board. Sources tell us that they are declining any public interviews right now and have not confirmed or denied the rumors. Either way, the public is going wild over these photos. If Hiroto and his wife are indeed pregnant, I wish them all the congratulations."


A chuckle from next to her brought her attention towards him. He looked real pleased and slightly humored.

"What's your problem?" She asked, a purse beginning to form.

"It's just funny to me. The media's been waiting for this moment haven't they?"

"Hell yeah they have. They've been bugging me about kids the minute we got married." He grinned.

"I remember that interview."

"Mmhm. Thirsty bunch of folks I tell you."

"And now, they have what they want. They just don't know it yet."

"Yeah and they ain't gon know till I get good and ready to tell them."

"It's all up to you babe. If they never know that's fine too." Wrapping herself up in his warmth, she sighed against his chest.

"Tell you what? I'll finish this up hm? Why don't you go take a break? Maybe a nap?" Her mind had been running all day and night it seemed, excitement not allowing her to rest. But, she'd allow it to be put on hold if only for a little while.

"Mmkay." Standing, she lifted his face in her hands and kissed him nice and sweet like. Smiling, he lowered a hand to her growing belly. Blushing, she tucked some hair behind his ear and pulled away, heading towards the bedroom.

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