20: Clean

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The water was cold and chilled her bare toes. She sighed and tilt her head back to let the breeze tickle her neck. Smiling, she took a breath before she slowly walked into the slow building waves. Waves of white billowed behind her and the sunlight warmed her skin. She slowly grew deeper in the depths and once the water reached her ribcage she stopped. Reaching up, she let down her hair and sighed. Turning, she opened her arms and leaned back until she became submerged.


Today is the day. I feel the presence of God more now than I ever have and it's overwhelming me. I feel like I can do this. I can finally let go of the demons who have tormented me for 28 years of my life. Finally, I have enough courage to do so. My past dies today. I know I have a way to go... these two months have only been the catalyst to a beautiful transformation. But today...today is the day that the old Rae passes away. Starting this moment forward...I promise to be a better new me. Not for anyone else but for me. It's taken so damn long for me to get here... and now that I am... I'm not going back. It's scary as hell. But... if The Almighty Father can love me... even in the midst of all my filth...if He can still call me beautiful, worthy, royalty...His precious Daughter...then I have to try. I have to see me how He sees me. It feels good...to know that I'm coming home.


The water warmed her soul and she came up for air, her dress heavy. She felt tears well up in her eyes and slowly they slid down her cheeks. Was it real? Was she finally...allowed to be free? This road to recovery had been a lot of things... but out of it came a new metamorphosis. As she leaned back into the rising current, she closed her eyes. And alas, behold...the old hath passed away! Behold, for I hath created a new thing! She felt the waves pluck the dirtiness from her soul and carry it far into the horizon. The lust, the perversion, the abuse, molestation, the grief, pain, loss, rejection, anger, bitterness... all of it. Stripped from the root and cast into the depths.

"And now... let the root be burned...let me be made new..." She whispered to the wind. And now... alas... she was clean. Now, she could start her life again...with the reassurance that no matter how shaky ground got or how the wind throttled and thrashed... her foot would always be placed upon a solid rock where she could stand.

A/N: Alas, we are at the transitional moment between Rae and Hiroto! :) The next chapter will start Hiroto's journey. :D I love this short chapter because it is so vivid and beautiful in what it represents! :) God bless guys! See you next chapter! :)


2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

John 3:5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." 

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