6: Stand (on two feet)

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He sat in his chair, leaning back into the plush padding. His fingers steepled together. His office quiet. He didn't stare at anything in particular, his mind running. He had been replaying the dream he had had over and over in his mind. That was the only thing keeping him going. If he had to run for his life he would. This time, Iwase Eri would know all that she had done to him was always meant to return to her. He felt a slow smile come to his face. This time he would win.


"What is it?"

"It is your fiancee."

"I do not wish to see her."

"She has brought lunch sir."

"She can eat it alone."

"Yes sir." The voice of the woman left his door and he closed his eyes. Soon, he would be packing. He had opened an sector of his firm in New York, after years of planning. For now, he had sent a representative to see to the affairs there while he tied up loose ends here in Japan. He had chosen New York City as his next place to branch out. Yes, the city who had produced the woman meant to be beside him. It had been so long but he was coming to put her in her rightful place, on her throne next to him. He remembered long ago when he had asked her where she lived. Brooklyn. Brooklyn, New York. He didn't know that that little bit of information she had shared with him would come in handy. She was there. And if she wasn't, he would search until he found her.

For now, he would take Kiko. Not because of anything he personally wanted. Or perhaps so. He had a plan for her as well. Everyone who had done him wrong. He wanted to knock them all out with one blow. He stood and opened his suit jacket. He was going to go visit his mother today. She had been in the hospital for quite some time now and it wasn't looking as though she was getting any better.It was time. He left the office building for the hospital.


"Hiroto," He stepped into the room and set eyes on his mother who laid in bed. She didn't look powerful anymore. She looked frail and sickly. He kept a chilly expression on his face as he grew closer.

"Mother. You don't look so good." She pursed her thin lips.

"And here I thought you were coming to see me out of concern." He didn't respond.

"I'm sure you're loving this. Finally, the old bat has been reduced to a sickly mess. Finally she has gotten what she has deserved. That is what you are thinking."

"On the contrary, I do not wish for your death Mother. I've desired your death all of my life. But now, perhaps I have aged so much I do not want it anymore." She smirked.

"How kind of you." He smirked a little, the action making her blink.

"I came here to give you a message."

"A message you say?"

"Yes." He grew closer until he stood at her bedside. He took her small hand in his and pressed it to his cheek.

"You've wasted your life. You've let your greed and evil poison you and everyone around you. But Mother, you could have lived a life where the only son you conceived would have loved you. I must admit, even now... it is the bond to your womb that bring emotions. I would have loved you with my whole being. I would have taken care of you. I would have given you what you wanted most and you could have lived the rest of your life, you and father, in happiness." He opened his eyes to look upon his mother, whose eyes had grown misty.

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