41: The Sou.nd

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It was all a blur. From the touch of hands to the laughter that flowed freely from the stream within. Love never felt like this before. Fresh. Deep. New. Gentle always and never harsh. This was what some people waited their entire lives for and never found. On a level beyond skin, touch and taste, rather sometimes the only thing worthy to describe it was sound.


The sound of a streetcar below rattled two still made one by way of limb and breath. It pierced the otherwise subtle quiet within and in the disturbance, fingers still danced across planes of bare skin. So rudely interrupted were the man's dreams and full of her they were. The radiance that emanated from her being set to consume him once again. In the space, not even the tick of the clock nearby or the sudden horns that occasionally blared in the morning day would be able to separate them. And a blur once again ensued...again and again until it seemed sound and time merged into something quite wondrous. Day turned into night into day once more.


The morning sun filtered in through the doors and fell upon tangled limbs. The woman slowly opened her eyes. Intensity met her gaze as colors blazed around her. She found herself pressed against a warm chest, an arm lazily around her hip, lax and comfortable. Cheeks growing warm, she turned her eyes up to glance at the man who held her. His hair was messy, covering his eyes. Mouth slightly open, his chest rose and fell softly. He was sleeping so deeply. Slowly, she pulled away from him, the soft silky sheets falling away from her body. The cool morning air rushed to greet her and she shivered, wrapping arms around herself.

Coming to stand outside on the balcony, she gripped the rails. All of it still felt like a dream. But the yearning that dwelled between her legs certainly wasn't. Glancing back towards the bed, her cheeks grew warm. What had happened in the past two days was definitely real. In that time love had without a doubt been made. So selfless, he gave her more than she could handle and together they had traveled up into the stars. Finally, their own special place where just the two of them could live. It slightly unnerved her but she welcomed, needed and treasured all of it.

Facing the city, she looked down to find the streets below empty and quiet. She now understood just where his sonnets came from. For it seemed nothing but poetry now lived on her tongue. Without warning, arms came around her and pulled her against a solid body. Startled, she grew still with a sharp inhale.

"Morning..." Voice gruff with sleep, lips pressed against her ear. At the rich timbre, instantly her heart skipped a beat. So quiet, she didn't hear him get up. Nearly melting into him, she lifted a hand and caressed his cheek, shock gone.

"Mornin sleepy head." His lips turned into a smile as the strands of his hair teased her fingers.

"You're up early..."

"Paris woke me up..." His lips drifted down past her ear to press lightly against hers.

"Come back to bed." The first mistake was meeting his gaze. The intensity within his eyes rivaled the sudden flash of amber as the sun breezed past them. She took a shaky breath and forced herself to look away. The damage had already been done.

"I'm surprised you ain't hungry..." His fingers slowly slid down her stomach and held her close, nestled in between her legs.

"Oh that I am. But I don't want anything but this." She took a shaky breath, heat flushing her skin.

"You just plain greedy..." The famed Iwase grin answered her and even in his quite sleepy stupor he managed to bring her dreamworld crashing into real life. Biting her lip, she turned to face him. Their lips met as he gently lifted her into his arms and led her back to their secret garden where only the two could play.

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