Possessing her body

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y/n didn't lose her cool and began plotting a clever strategy for her own benefit

I have to make sure I'm chill and play it cool so Jungkook doesn't suspect a thing - Once he sees I'm all good, I can start gaining his trust and figure out how to crack that code or password

y/n had a quick shower and changed into her comfy nightie. She made sure to eat her food in a way that conveyed her ease to Jungkook.

At 12:30 in the night, she realized Jungkook might arrive later or not show up at all. What if someone breaks in while I'm all by myself? I can't believe this thing just left me alone here!

No, it's not possible. If I can't go out, there's no way the thief can get in. Talking to herself, she started to feel increasingly bored. - Despite that, she found the fact that she could at least relax in that moment.

She removed the robe of her nightdress that draped over her shoulders and arms and set it down on the table.

She removed the robe of her nightdress that draped over her shoulders and arms and set it down on the table

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Her soft white dress made her look stunningly beautiful. - She took a moment to unwind on the couch, stretching her body and resting her feet on the table.

Her eyes were on the verge of hiding when, out of nowhere, the memory of her first night with Jungkook flashed in her mind.

Shaken by her own thoughts. She couldn't help but blurt out a sudden. Oh no, what if he...? What if he repeats that same dirty mistake? I can't bear to face him again. I should hide away in my room where I feel safe.

With a sassy move, she rose from her seat, snatching her robe to slip it back on.

Right as she was about to wear it, Jungkook burst into the room and caught a glimpse of her perfect physique right before him.

As Jungkook laid his eyes on her, he felt his heart racing and his palms sweating. The tension in the room was so thick that he could almost taste it. He couldn't believe she was finally in front of him, and the thought of what might happen next was enough to drive him crazy.

She nervously cinched the robe around her, feeling a bit uneasy. Jungkook! I was just heading to my room. Have a good night.

With each step she took, Jungkook's eyes followed her closely, observing her from behind

After entering the room, she closed the door with a sense of unease and double-checked to ensure it was locked.

Jungkook decided to take a break and sit on the sofa, hoping to get some rest. However, as soon as he thought about y/n, he couldn't focus on anything else. Despite not doing anything, y/n strongly impacted Jungkook's emotions, making him feel restless and eager. As he shut his eyes, a rush of heat flooded his body.

The steamy memories of just a few moments ago replayed in his mind, with y/n's delicate dress clinging to her curves. The excitement was almost unbearable as he repeated every tantalizing moment.

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