A Day of Moments

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As quickly as a rocket soared through the sky, Y/N returned to her home, feeling the urgency to call Taehyung

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As quickly as a rocket soared through the sky, Y/N returned to her home, feeling the urgency to call Taehyung. She didn't want to cause any unnecessary drama and decided it would be best to avoid introducing Jungkook to Taehyung so soon. After all, they were strangers to each other, and such a hasty introduction would only seem bizarre.

Taehyung had to be away from y/n for a long time to shoot his films. During this period, y/n had been ignoring Taehyung, which made him feel uncomfortable and angry. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, y/n didn't get a chance to tell Taehyung about Jungkook.

They talked for a while, and y/n impatiently waited to tell Taehyung, " I am thrilled that in two days, we will be able to gather with our friends after a long time. ''She was all hyped up and thrilled in her tone.

Yeah,  Don't worry, I won't forget your birthday, babe. The day my queen was born is a special day for me.

Hey, Tae! I am so excited to introduce you to two incredible people! She couldn't contain her excitement as she playfully nibbled on her lower lip while talking to him

He asked, "Can you tell me who they are?" sounding a bit suspicious. "Those guys are my buddies, and you might not know them."

Y/n knew that Taehyung was cool with her hanging out with her girlfriends, but he gets a bit touchy when it comes to other dudes

When you said 'buddies,' did you mean they are both male? He asked with a serious tone.

Yes, but Tae, like other men, they are not interested in me except as a friend. That's why I want them to meet you

I'm not sure if you're messing with me or not, but just to make it clear that we're together, I might kiss you in front of everyone. That way, they know you're mine and mine only. He made it clear to her without any doubt.

A small smile formed on her face. Her voice was gentle as she spoke, "Please, Tae, I want you to be with me on my upcoming birthday. I long to have you by my side, to soak in the joy of another year passing while experiencing true happiness together."

Ofc Sweetheart, I love you and can't wait to surprise you and make love to you all night. They kept sweet-talking each other, just like that.


y/n was snoozing away in her bed as usual, eagerly waiting for the big day she had anticipated to arrive finally. It's been ages since she chilled with Taehyung and her squad. Work stress and some unresolved stuff kept her away for so long. Her excitement was not for her birthday but for spending time with her loved ones

Upon opening her eyes, she noticed the sunlight shining through the curtains and onto her face. "What a bright day," were the first words whispered by her soft lips. She got up and headed to the bathroom to take a nice hot bath and wash up. ‏She had a good time chilling out and made herself a delicious breakfast, too!

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